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  1. #1
    Master cnrv77's Avatar
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    Default Speed Camera POI's & 2010 Maps for Garmin

    For all of you tired of downloading dozens of files from all those websites that waste your time by timing you or limiting you from downloading more than a few files per day I decided to upload the latest maps I have for Garmin and also Speed Camera POI's.

    The maps were tested on Nokia 5800XM (unhacked, fw v21) with Garmin Mobile XT 5.00.60s60.9.
    Speed camera POIs were tested on Nokia 5800XM (unhacked, fw v21) with Garmin Mobile XT 5.00.60s60.9 and Nokia N73 with TomTom 6.o2 S60 v3.

    First map is Garmin CN North America 2010.20 and include Canada, Mexico and USA with Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. Size is 1.24Gb and it is archived in 3 parts, first two of 500Mb each and the remaining ~11Mb.
    Very Important: MapID 2005
    You will need MapID to unlock your map. Easy job, don't panic...yet.
    Map Name: GMAPSUPP.img
    This is usually the default name for Garmin maps. If you already have a map with this name in Garmin folder on you device or memory card than you can either backup the existing file (do not delete anything, if something goes wrong at least you can revert the changes) or you can rename it to GMAPSUP2.img or GMAPBMAP.img and in this way you can avoid conflicts. To my best knowledge only this 3 names for maps are recognized by Garmin software and that's why you cannot work with more than 3 maps at a time. I might be wrong...
    Download and extract all 3 archives in the same folder. You should have 2 files:

    GMAPSUPP - North America 2010.20 Map - Canada, Mexico and USA (Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands) - MapID 2005 - 135 Maps.txt

    You might not see the extensions but that's ok. The txt file is only for your references, you don't need to load it on your device. Actually you can use it to create the unlock file from it.

    After extracting the map (GMAPSUPP) you need to generate the unlock code and save it in a file with .unl extension. The file name should be identical with the map name...eg: gmapsupp.unl. More details below.
    In order to do that you need download Garmin Unlock Generator 1.5 and IMEI to UnitID Converter 1.0.
    IMEI to UnitID Converter 1.0 will be used only for cell phones to convert the IMEI number into UnitID. UnitID will be requested by Garmin Unlock Generator 1.5 later to unlock Garmin Mobile XT, not the maps. If you already unlocked the software skip the next steps and continue with MAP UNLOCKING.

    To find your cell phone IMEI just type on your cell phone: *#06# and write down the number.
    Open IMEI to UnitID Converter 1.0 and type your IMEI in the first filed and hit CONVERT. Write down the generated number.
    You can actually skip this step for cell phone by installing Garmin Mobile XT software and checking in TOOLS->SETTINGS->ABOUT...Unlock ESN is your UnitID.
    As soon as you have UnitID open Garmin Unlock Generator 1.5 enter your UnitID in the first field, select your product on the next field and hit GENERATE. Copy the new generated code in a .txt file (create a txt file and paste the code inside than close the file and choose SAVE when prompted) and rename the file in: sw.unl
    ...sw is the new name and .unl is the new extension. If you dont know how to change an extension to a file than you need to return your PC back to the store ASAP...or google it.
    The new created file [sw.unl] with the generated code inside need to be copied on Garmin folder on your memory card or device [if your device doesn't have a memory card]. If everything was done correctly than when you start Garmin Mobile XT it should be activated. To check go to TOOLS->SETTINGS->ABOUT.

    Open Garmin Unlock Generator 1.5 and go to Select Map Product -> <custom mapset> -> type 2005 on FID (or MapID) field and than hit OK -> Generate.
    Copy generated code in a .txt file and rename it to the same name like the map (gmapsupp ...upper case or lower case, not important) and change the extension from .txt to .unl.
    The resulted file should be something like: gmapsupp.unl
    Place the file in the same folder (Garmin) like the map in your memory card or device. Start the software and enjoy.

    Garmin CN North America 2010.20 Map.part1.rar 500Mb
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    Garmin CN North America 2010.20 Map.part2.rar 500Mb
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Garmin CN North America 2010.20 Map.part3.rar 9.95Mb
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Garmin Unlock Generator 1.5 0.56Mb
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    IMEI to UnitID Converter 1.0 0.25Mb
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    Mirror: Garmin CN North America 2010.20 Map (thanks to rajubd)
    Part1 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Part2 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Part3 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    This post is possible thanks to trapster.com
    If you want to stay up to date just sign in (for free) and get the latest Camera POI's not only for US but Europe too and also for TomTom. You can download an application called Trapster for iPhone, Black Berry, Nokia and have access to cameras in real time. No need to sign any file, just download - install - enjoy.

    For all of you who don't want to sign in I will provide the latest Camera POI's and instructions for Garmin Mobile XT (XT 5.00.60 tested on my Nokia 5800XM) for USA as of September 6, 2009. It may work on other Garmin products like nuvi or Street Pilot too, that remain to be tested.

    The link below will provide you with all you need to install Camera POIs to Garmin Mobile XT, just download the file, unrar and look for READ ME/HOW TO.txt for instructions. POIs for USA as of Sept 06, 2009.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    As a bonus below is the link for TomTom devices. Tested with TomTom 6.02 S60.v3 on Nokia N73. POIs for USA as of Sept 3, 2009.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    ...in the next days
    Garmin CN Europe 2010.10 Map
    More updated POI's for USA (...and maybe for Europe)

    Mirror : by rajubd
    Garmin CN North America 2010.20 Map
    Part1 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Part2 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Part3 - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by catymag; 11th September 2009 at 02:10 AM. Reason: removed some links...
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    To see hidden threads links ,please hit forum "Like" button on the post right bottom corner.
    You dont need to have 10 posts to see the unhidden links. Please dont spam.

    Thanks post Will be trash

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  3. #2


    I am new in this forum and I am impressed very useful forum.

    Thank you so much cnrv77 for the maps, what is amazing this NA map not only the US.

  4. #3


    Thanks for your time and kindness. I down load POI and see how it will help. May be it will save me from speed ticket.
    Thanks again.




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