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  1. #1
    Vip Master TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09
    TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09
    suemer's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
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    Default TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09

    TrackMyJourney v0.6.9 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking

    TrackMyJourney Nokia 0

    TMJ-Mobile is a Java mobile phone application that uses GPS data to provide a number of functions, including navigation, location tracking, map display and route plotting. It receives its location coordinates by communicating via Bluetooth with a separate GPS receiver, or via the phones internal GPS if supported. The phones built-in GPRS/3G/GSM data connection is then used to send its location over the internet to the TrackMyJourney website where you can then share your location and recorded tracks with your friends.

    Getting Started
    * Register an account with TrackMyJourney
    * Download the TMJ-Mobile application to your phone
    * Run the program and in the Main Menu>Settings page enter your TMJ Device Username and Password
    * Use the Main Menu>GPS>Connect GPS function to search for and connect to your Bluetooth GPS device.
    * Add some Waypoints to your TrackMyJourney account. On the phone use the Main Menu>Web>Update Waypoints function to download the Waypoints to the phone. These can then be used for navigation.
    * On the phone use the Main Menu>Web>Enable Upload function to start sending your location back to the website.
    * Invite your friends to view your progress via the Invitations page
    * Check out the User Guide for further information.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by catymag; 16th September 2009 at 06:36 PM.

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  3. #2
    Important User TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09
    TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09TrackMyJourney v0.6.9+ v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking update 16-9-09
    catymag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    light side
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    Default TrackMyJourney v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking

    TrackMyJourney v0.7.0 J2ME - Live GPS Tracking

    TrackMyJourney Nokia 0

    TMJ-Mobile is a Java mobile phone application that uses GPS data to provide a number of functions, including navigation, location tracking, map display and route plotting. It receives its location coordinates by communicating via Bluetooth with a separate GPS receiver, or via the phones internal GPS if supported. The phones built-in GPRS/3G/GSM data connection is then used to send its location over the internet to the TrackMyJourney website where you can then share your location and recorded tracks with your friends.

    Getting Started
    * Register an account with TrackMyJourney
    * Download the TMJ-Mobile application to your phone
    * Run the program and in the Main Menu>Settings page enter your TMJ Device Username and Password
    * Use the Main Menu>GPS>Connect GPS function to search for and connect to your Bluetooth GPS device.
    * Add some Waypoints to your TrackMyJourney account. On the phone use the Main Menu>Web>Update Waypoints function to download the Waypoints to the phone. These can then be used for navigation.
    * On the phone use the Main Menu>Web>Enable Upload function to start sending your location back to the website.
    * Invite your friends to view your progress via the Invitations page
    * Check out the User Guide for further information.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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