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  1. #1
    Master kamthanki's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
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    Thumbs up Micrsoft's Pocket Streets maps.

    Live Mobile map source code
    though it doesn't provide navigation capability, but it is Now with Guidebee Map API, we can develop a similar application on Java ME platform.
    It provides following features:
    Maps meant for mobile
    Mobile Live Map is designed for sharp, colorful imaging on your device display. Zoom and pan to easily navigate your route.
    Points of interest
    Quickly find or add your own points of interest, such as ATMs, restaurants, or transportation.
    Find addresses and places
    Search for destinations and addresses using partial names and "roam" maps to find points of interest.
    GPS support
    Use Mobile Live Map plus your compatible GPS device to indicate your real-time location on a map.

    at the Moment Its only support China,Australia and U.S

    All thanks goes to my friend who sent me this application.
    thought it would be nice to share with you guys.


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    Sorry if its been already posted. search but couldn't find.


    Dont 4get to press rep button if you like my post...
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    Last edited by kamthanki; 14th June 2009 at 12:44 AM.

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  3. #2


    I was looking pocket streets!!!! but I´m sorry I don't know how to install it! Could you tell me how to perform the instalation? Shall I just copy the files?
    Last edited by pato145; 22nd June 2009 at 02:31 AM.




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