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    thank you very much sir

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  3. #12

    Arrow Aspicore GSM Tracker v3.18.1057 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned *******-DiL

    Aspicore GSM Tracker v3.18.1057 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned *******-DiL


    Aspicore GSM Tracker turns your smartphone into a real-time AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) and personal location tracking device.

    This app is a simple and cost-effective way to track several mobile phones through a Bluetooth GPS receiver.

    You can then visualize the data with simple map software or link it to a professional fleet management system with ease.

    Features include:

    * Track several mobile phones in a remote SQL database
    * Visualize the data with simple map software
    * Link data to a professional fleet management system
    * No monthly or per-transaction fee

    What New :

    Suppress repetitive error beep while having a GSM conversation.
    Earlier versions may give repetitive error beep "error packet data
    connection not available error code -4135" while the user is talking
    via GSM network (no 3G) and the network or handset does not allow
    simultaneous voice and GPRS.

    This version 3.18 does not beep for Etel GSM error codes between
    -5012 and -4000. It shows a silent message under the log tab, if the
    diagnostics mode has been enabled and totally suppresses these error
    numbers otherwise.

  4. #13
    Master cnrv77's Avatar
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    Default Aspicore GSM Tracker v3.18.1057 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned *******-CODePDA


    Aspicore GSM Tracker S60 3rd Edition 0

    Aspicore GSM Tracker turns your phone into a real-time AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) tracking device. Also for personal location tracking. See your track in real time on Google Earth or GpsGate.com!

    Low data costs thanks to packet data and compact messages. Uses location data from a GPS or cell tower information.


    The product is intended for fleet tracking or personal location tracking.

    Would you like to...

    View the whereabouts of your entire fleet from your desktop?
    Know the closest vehicle or technician to the next job site?
    Access yesterday's detailed route history for every vehicle in your fleet?

    With a system based on Aspicore GSM Tracker, you can!

    What does the application do?

    Cost-effective and efficient tool to track several mobile phones in a remote SQL database or in a buddy tracking website.

    Aspicore GSM Tracker is an S60 application, which makes the smartphone into a real-time AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) tracking device.

    The application determines the location with a Bluetooth GPS receiver and transmits the tracking data to a server in real-time through a cellular packet data connection. The data connection to the server is usually made via the Internet.

    System description and purpose

    Typically server stores the received tracking data into a SQL database. The data can be visualized with simple map software, (e.g. Google Maps for Enterprise, Google Earth) or it can be linked to a professional fleet management system or a mobile workforce management system.

    Individual users can use Aspicore GSM Tracker for personal location tracking. They can e.g. automatically publish their current location and daily track on their web page.

    Users can share their current location online with their buddies using the free GpsGate.com service provided by Franson Technology AB.

    What's New in This Release
    BUG FIX (FOR 2G NETWORKS) Suppress repetitive error beep while having a GSM conversation. Earlier versions may give repetitive error beep "error packet data connection not available error code -4135" while the user is talking via GSM network (no 3G) and the network or handset does not allow simultaneous voice and GPRS.

    This version 3.18 does not beep for Etel GSM error codes between -5012 and -4000. It shows a silent message under the log tab, if the diagnostics mode has been enabled and totally suppresses these error numbers otherwise.
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    Thanks post Will be trash




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