City Navigator China NT, QSI and noQSI V7.01 CHS (IMG)+7.01E QSI English/Pinyin
City Navigator China NT, QSI and noQSI V7.01 CHS (IMG) Upd.
Garmin City Navigator China NT V7.01 CHS (Image)
Requirements: Any PC/PPC/Symbian device running Garmin Mobile XT for Mobile or PC, nüvi300/310/600/610/320
Overview: Garmin China City Navigator Map NT Chinese Version 7.01 Update
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China City Navigator V7.01 CHS (Image) with 3D-Buildings and Lane Assistant (QSI)
Requirements: Garmin nüvi205, nüvi255, nüvi255W, nüvi255W+, nüvi260W, nüvi760
Overview: China City Navigator V7.01 CHS (Image) with 3D-Buildings and Lane Assistant - Update
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China City Navigator V7.01 CHS (Image) with Lane Assistant (noQSI)
Requirements: Garmin nüvi200, nüvi200W
Overview: China City Navigator V7.01 CHS (Image) with Lane Asssistant - Update
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MapID: 431
Password: tom1807
thanks Tom1807
Last edited by catymag; 6th November 2009 at 03:15 PM.
Garmin city navigator China 7.01E_QSI English/Pinyin map
I understand that there is an English version.
Garmin city navigator China 7.01E_QSI English/Pinyin map.
MapID is 432
It can be found here (not my links) - yes they work (use cut & paste)
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ] part 1 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] part 2 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] part 3 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] part 4
To fix 500m offset problem, change the settings of the gmsup.ini to China.
Also try upgrading from GMXT 5.0.00TW to 5.0.10TW
Finally, QSI maps can be used on Symbian, WM, PDA's and Garmin devices (Nuvi; 205; 255; 255W; 255W+; 260W; 760)
Hope this helps someone. Remember, if you like it - buyt it.