Fodor's provides travelers with the most up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive travel information available. And while different people have different styles of travel, they all have one thing in common--they seek the best travel options available within their budget, including the best places to stay, eat, shop, and see. That's why, for 70 years, sophisticated travelers choose Fodor's.
To get your SD card ID:
Insert the SD card the you want to use into your Garmin.
Start your Garmin And touch the Clock / Battery for about 10 seconds...
A secret menu will appear..
Click (Next) couple times until you see the menu for the SD card...
Press (Checksum) and then, the unit ID for THAT SD card will appear... Note that this ID is NOT your Garmin's Unit ID.. This ID is just for that SD card.. Every SD card in the world has diffrent number!
Copy that code in the Key Gen and generate a 25-digit code (lower Generate)
Copy the code into the (gmapsupp.unl) file...
not tested try it guys and give us feedback
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Hi caty...I would like to site regarding this only need to use the sn of the SD card to generate the code.. copy it into unl file, copy the Foder`s gpi file into device Poi folder..or SC card Poi folder (only one folder)...that`s it .
On nuvi device go to Where To ..then Extra will see the Foder`s Travel Guide... ( tested on nuvi 760)
But unfortunatly it's limited to very large cities only ...unimpressed.
Last edited by amohseng; 6th February 2009 at 06:19 PM.
Hi caty...I would like to site regarding this only need to use the sn of the SD card to generate the code copy it into unl file, make a Poi folder in the sd card and copy the Foder`s gpi file into it...that`s it.on nuvi device go to Where To ..then Extra will see the Foders Travel Guide... ( tested on nuvi 760)