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  1. #101
    Master Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Enable custom POI from settings then POI and they should work
    Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3

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  3. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Mnia786 View Post
    Yes, I have noticed Garmin 5 is quite sluggish too. Maybe just the GPS signal and their satellite but Garmin 4 was pin-point accurate and updated very fast. v5.00.10 seems better the 5.00.00 though if you have not updated.
    Yes, I notice once Garmin is up and running, minus the initial sluggishness, even an U-turn on a one way street is shown clearly on the map. The few minutes waiting time can feel like ages though.

    Will upgrade to v5.00.10 as you suggested. Thanks.

  4. #103
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    i have custom poi sets enabled, alsogarmin safety cameras enabled, praps i aint downloaded em correctly

  5. #104
    Master Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    The have to be in "E:\Garmin\POI\"
    If not, try checking your setting for POI notification settings.
    Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3

  6. #105
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    Default Combining maps?

    I was wandering if I can combine two maps - one from the mapsource (currentlu - gmasupp.img) and one .img file wich I wolud unlock and make a .unl file. I thought that I could rename my custom mapsource map to gmapprom, and add new gmasupp.img map to my card. The thing is I need Auto drive Hellas, and there is no mapsource version, so I have to do this. Will this work, and will this combination be fully routable. My current maps i made of City Navigator Europe 2009 NT, Adria Route 2.20, SCG route 1.8, Navi Guide Hungary 5.0., ROAD 2006, Maps of Slovakia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Ukraine, and Roads of Russia 4.03.
    Sorry for my English

  7. #106


    I've installed the mapsource program....and downloaded some of these IMG map files to my C drive. I tried loading these maps with mapsource but the program says that it can't read them (reads only GDB files). I'm really confused in loading these files on to my Nuvi205w. Please help..anyone?...Catymag?

  8. #107
    Important User Post here please your help request regarding Garmin
    Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by fugowitz View Post
    I've installed the mapsource program....and downloaded some of these IMG map files to my C drive. I tried loading these maps with mapsource but the program says that it can't read them (reads only GDB files). I'm really confused in loading these files on to my Nuvi205w. Please help..anyone?...Catymag?

    IMG files must added directly in your device no need mapsource, if locked unlock with jetmouse keygen
    how to here:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    For those of you who have MapSource 6.14.1 installed and experience problems with non official or old Garmin mapsource maps: There is a temporary fix.

    The application will indicate maps that would cause problems in MapSource 6.14.1 are indicated and fixed with one button click.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    go here and try installing map source maps compatibility

    For those of you who have MapSource 6.14.1 installed and experience problems with non official or old Garmin maps: There is a temporary fix.

    The application will indicate maps that would cause problems in MapSource 6.14.1 are indicated and fixed with one button click.
    sorry catymag, I don't understand where to go? you didn't give the link. I have same problem here. thanks before.

  10. #109
    Important User Post here please your help request regarding Garmin
    Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by stedesigner View Post
    sorry catymag, I don't understand where to go? you didn't give the link. I have same problem here. thanks before.
    sorry i did with n95 but something went wrong in posting ,now i added links, but if you have IMG files too add them in your card directly I donnow if it will work with nuvi
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #110
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    I am trying to run World Map v4.06 on my N95. The img file works perfectly on my GarminMobile XP PC. And, the original works using MapSource. However, after 4 days of experimentation, the Garmin XT program (v4.10.80 s60.9) containing the World Map v4.06 img file still refuses to load on my N95. If I remove the WordMap img file, GarminXT works again. The file is unlocked so a “unl” file is not necessary. Yes, I did try using a “unl” file with MapId=800..

    I have also tried swapping the file names (ie gmapprom.img / gmapsupp.img / gmapsup2.img), but no luck. Its strange that I get 4 maps to work (including the base map) on my 8Gb memory card, but I cant get the World Map to work.

    May be my version of WorldMap v4.06 is defective in some way? Any ideas?

    I have named the maps as follows:
    Base map = gmapbmap.img
    WorldMap = gmapprom.img / gmapprom.unl
    Australia & Asia= gmapsupp.img / gmapsupp.unl
    Italy = gmapsup2.img / gmapsup2.unl

    Regards to all



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