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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
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    Default Igo PAL stops at "external power connected

    I have 2 identical Android head units that are TS10 models running 8 core processor 32gb storage and 4gb ram, one that I have had for 18 months, the other I just installed. The only difference that I can see is that the newest one states it is A13 whereas the old one is A10. The firmwares are the same.
    I have been running Igo next gen (iGO_PAL iGO719WD) on all my Android devices with no problems at all.

    I installed NG on the new unit and made the mistake of trying to run the APK before I had loaded the program folders etc to the internal flash drive. realizing my mistake I then loaded the files onto the flash drive and tried to run it. When I did, the program loads right up to the "external power connected" screen that usually disappears after a few seconds or (when the "ok" prompt is selected),
    and then is non responsive.

    I tried uninstalling, deleting the files, trying a version of NG israel which froze after the map appeared, and nothing so far has worked.
    I tried a factory reset, and the loaded NG again, still freezes at the external power screen. I even copied the files from the working head unit to the new one and installed that and it did the same thing.
    Can anyone shed some light on this, it has me stumped.
    Last edited by bigbaz; 25th August 2024 at 12:11 AM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
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    I will answer my own question on this. After some trial and error, I discovered that the text to speech engine was not loaded so it was hanging on the welcome message. All good now, but it was a bit more difficult to get the text to speech working that previous installs I have done.
    Anyway hope that info helps someone.



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