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  1. #1
    Member + Using TMC in UAEUsing TMC in UAE ashrafz's Avatar
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    ? Using TMC in UAE

    Sorry for my question, but I searched a lot to no avail. Is there any advice to activate traffic conditions? in patched drivesmart 61 with GMT 36 receiver
    device from Europe use it in United Arab Emirates

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  3. #2
    Important User Using TMC in UAE
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    If you are using fw patched with Universal Firmware Patcher V2.20 then the device should be able to use a local FM TMC subscription for EAU if one is indeed available for that area. If it's a paid service that's available, you'll need to find the subscription's FID, PID, RgnID and VenID to generate an unlock code for your GTM36 using JetMouse as described in the initial post [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

  4. #3
    Member + LittleCassie's Avatar
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    Wow. I'm impressed to see after 14 years some users are still using Garmin traffic and seeking tweaks. The reason I'm replying is because I received an email notification on the topic after almost 4 years. We haven't used our Garmin devices since before covid. I don't even know if they can still be used given the fact the battery hasn't been charged in many years.

  5. #4
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in UAE
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    Most Garmin devices will function normally connected to a suitable power source such as the supplied vehicle charger even with a completely flat (or missing) battery as the battery isn't part of the essential power circuit for operation. If the battery's completely dead a charger may not even recognise it so open it up and disconnect the battery for up to an hour, then try again to charge it.

    Certainly discreet automative GPS receivers like Garmin and TomTom are becoming superfluous these days. If it keeps up i'll have to find a new hobby .... like sitting on my verandah yelling "Get off my lawn you darn kids!" and/or killing ants with a walking stick .
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  6. #5
    Member + Using TMC in UAEUsing TMC in UAE ashrafz's Avatar
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    Thank Butters, for your advice. I tried following the steps, but I couldn't find the FID, PID, RgnID, and VenID for the local FM TMC subscription in the UAE.
    Last edited by Neil; 19th July 2024 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Remove unnecessary quote.

  7. #6
    Member + LittleCassie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Most Garmin devices will function normally connected to a suitable power source such as the supplied vehicle charger even with a completely flat (or missing) battery as the battery isn't part of the essential power circuit for operation. If the battery's completely dead a charger may not even recognise it so open it up and disconnect the battery for up to an hour, then try again to charge it.

    Certainly discreet automative GPS receivers like Garmin and TomTom are becoming superfluous these days. If it keeps up i'll have to find a new hobby .... like sitting on my verandah yelling "Get off my lawn you darn kids!" and/or killing ants with a walking stick .
    @Niel, I've tried removing the battery before on other electronics like iPods and dashcams when the battery was completely dead, but they wouldn't hold a charge. However, as a last resort before dumping the Garmin into a recylce bin, it's worth a shot.

    If consumer-grade automotive GPS units become effectively obsolete (though I still see them in use in Asia, especially in Ubers and taxis), you can always create a Google Account. From there, you can flag all those troll-like map edits such as stop signs or mailboxes on every corner. You can also flag media where "reviewers" post irrelevant selfies and other non-relevant content just to boost their contribution karma points, leading to undeserved contributor levels.

    And of course, there's this site. Perhaps the admins might consider rebranding it or simply reducing the number of intrusive ads. If you're using an adblocker, anti-malware extension, browser, or DNS resolver like Google or Cloudflare, signing into this site is impossible.

    I wish we had a veranda and a lawn. Maybe in our next life.

  8. #7
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Using TMC in UAE
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    To clarify, my main point was that most Garmin devices can still function on the charger even without their battery. As G's automotive-specific devices are usually only used in the vehicle, rather than for pedestrian use, they are still useful for that primary purpose even if the battery is kaput.

    I can't help you out with a veranda or lawn however if you ask real nice you can have my Dad's old walking stick and decare war on ants in this life .
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