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  1. #11
    Super Moderator Hungarian speedcams
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    Have you ever read the terms and conditions for accepting new members to the group?

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    So, you won’t be able to collect the entire database, each file has a password, the password is given taking into account that you do not have the entire database, if you asked for a password, then you are not a user, but someone who came for the database, such applicants are deleted. That's it, it means you give information, but you receive only part of this information. And this is not my experience, there are plenty of people who got their ass kicked from this:

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    Closing the topic does not make sense in this idea, if there is no interest in this topic, then after a while the topic will go down and further to page 2. Moreover, we already deleted something similar, but it was created again.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 30th March 2024 at 05:31 AM.

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  3. #12
    Member + Hungarian speedcams
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    DM43 and Everyone!
    Really a lot of data. But if you download them all from cserrobi. There would be no white spots on the map. Lately, I've been trying to narrow down the data set. Due to certain "reasons" there is a lot of parallelism. Why? Summa summárum: Up there again, a small correction. But if you want to be sure, the AF code will help.

    p.i. My help is not official (police)!
    1. OSC!
    2. The press (newspaper articles)!

    Hungarian2, Changes: at "ID-01-30". 2024.05.29.
    You can download this one above!

    Only for passenger cars instead of "height restriction": "Width restriction" txt

    Last edited by Jasz; 22nd July 2024 at 05:04 PM.

  4. #13
    Member + Hungarian speedcams
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    During the big conversation, I forgot that I changed my upload to "Hungary_Speedcam_4".
    So dear downloaders:
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    Last edited by Jasz; 22nd July 2024 at 05:06 PM.

  5. #14
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    The same as "Speedcams_Hungary4", only the "IDs" have changed, because the world is also changing. Now: Speedcams_Hungary4_A.rar
    Last edited by Jasz; 22nd July 2024 at 05:08 PM.

  6. #15
    Super Moderator Hungarian speedcams
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    195_lehetséges_Piroson_áthalytást_rögzítő_kamera.txt > 196
    196_ lehetséges_Átlagos sebességmérő_ kamera + cél 5 km h_Jasz.txt > 195

    these codes are not correct, but for this topic where all the data is taken from the air, it does not matter.
    If you see this name somewhere - Hungary4_A stay away from him.

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  7. #16
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    Thanks for the help. I saw this once from Cerrobi (192_HU_Fix_sebessegmaro_kamera_Cserrobi.txt, 192_HU_Lehetseges_Fix_trafibox_sebessegmaro_kamera_Cserrobi.txt). Both "identifiers" are the same!!
    The problem is now 196 instead of 195 and 195 instead of 196!
    OK! I'll fix it! But:
    (If you see this name somewhere - Magyarország4_A, then stay away from it.)
    Dear Andrey Form!
    Is this a threat?! Let's talk, and we Hungarians remain silent? I do not understand.
    Your friend: JASZ

  8. #17
    iGO Enthusiast Hungarian speedcams
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    I think that this is a recommendation, that the posts/content of member with that nickname are not trustworthy
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  9. #18
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    Sorry, but the server may be overloaded, so I'm late in correcting Anrey Form's legitimate comment.
    By the way, THX Amdrey Form!
    Thanks Boki! My poor English is the reason why I may have misunderstood Andre Form.
    Bottom line: I fixed it. I swapped the two "IDs" and accessed it again as "Speedcams_4A" (which is the same address as my previous upload).
    A nice day to you: JASZ

  10. #19
    Super Moderator Hungarian speedcams
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasz View Post
    I do not understand.
    Your friend: JASZ
    This is what we have already discussed:
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    If we omit the question of data reliability altogether, let’s assume that your data is correct and all cameras are in place. Then another question, how to use this data??? where should I put them, what kind of encoding is this and where can I see it???. How can users determine what can be taken from this for use? We are on an international forum, and the file names are in Hungarian. I can assume that this is some kind of specific encoding for Hungary, but it is not available anywhere on the forum, which means it is difficult to use. So, when these 2 conditions are fully met, only in this case will it be possible to talk about something. But since you are not a person with experience and do not have your own base, and it is generally unclear what you have and how you do it, I think this will not happen soon.

    Spoiler: HU
    Ha teljesen kihagyjuk az adatmegbízhatóság kérdését, tegyük fel, hogy adatai helyesek, és minden kamera a helyén van. Akkor még egy kérdés, hogy hogyan kell ezeket az adatokat használni??? hova tegyem, ez milyen kódolás és hol tudom megnézni???. Hogyan állapíthatják meg a felhasználók, hogy ebből mit lehet kivenni egy nemzetközi fórumon, és magyar nyelvűek a fájlnevek? Feltételezem, hogy ez valami specifikus magyar kódolás, de a fórumon sehol nem elérhető, ami azt jelenti, hogy nehezen használható. Tehát, ha ez a 2 feltétel teljes mértékben teljesül, csak ebben az esetben lehet beszélni valamiről. De mivel Ön nem tapasztalt ember, és nincs saját bázisa, és általában nem világos, hogy mi van és hogyan csinálja, úgy gondolom, hogy ez nem fog hamarosan bekövetkezni.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 12th July 2024 at 01:32 PM.

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  11. #20
    Member + Hungarian speedcams
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    Thumbs up

    Dear Andrey Form!
    Regardless of the fact that this is an international forum, I am not the only one who sends these messages primarily to Hungarians. Not even I can collect this much country data from your helpers and upload it with a simple trick _ "ID1"! I know because I saw that you are good with Sunnyside Navi, alias Cserrobi, who is especially good with the traffic department of the Hungarian police. What's more, you've already gained plenty of practice on the speedcam forums.
    I once came here as an enthusiastic amateur. I foolishly thought that democracy flourished here and we could discuss everything.

    I've always thanked you for your help, but I'm starting to notice that as I get older, more and more people are interested in me. And this is increasingly uncomfortable for you and your fellow forum moderators, respect for the exception, because I have also encountered these...!
    "I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon."
    By the way, the repair is complete!
    They will surely be deleted from the forum.
    Dear friends:
    Last edited by Jasz; 12th July 2024 at 06:33 PM.



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