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Thread: Navman 5000 LM

  1. #1
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    Default Navman 5000 LM

    Hi all,

    I found some old GPS and my question is: Is there any way to install a new system on it like iGo or TomTom with up to date maps? I have never done this before so would be grateful if there was some sort of tutorial on how to do this.

    Windows CE 6.0, 480 x 272 px

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Navman 5000 LM
    Navman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LMNavman 5000 LM
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    It is not such a simple story.

    You cannot just "install the system", e.g. flash new firmware with different operating system. True, there are devices with various software (eg the same device with Navitel or iGO in a different variant), but never with a system. Something like that should first exist. It's not a simple story either, certainly not for an uninitiated user

    With such highly customized devices, the system must first be unlocked in order to access to it's memory. Dedicated files and scripts are used for this.
    This is most often and the most simple done via an SD card, because that way the system of the device itself remains intact
    Since the device is relatively new, this can be a mission impossible

    You cannot install TomTom software, because it works under a proprietary system (comparison - such as Linux and Windows). Their devices have their own hardware, of course.
    iGO should work without problems, but there are two possible problems
    - sound - if the device uses its own chip, which is not generic, it is possible that iGO does not support it
    support is always at the app level - exe in wince case, apk in android world
    - GPS receiver - again, if the device uses its own chip, it may happen that there are no wince drivers for other software than NavMan

    Instructions on how to assemble the iGO package are available on the Forum, very carefully explained
    All that remains is to put such a package next to the files on the SD card, following certain rules

    I know the users struggled with that device, that the SD unlock didn't work. Apart from that, it seems that there are two modifications of that device, one works for unlocking, the other does not
    Only after completely unlocking the system it was possible, I quote:
    Spoiler: howto final
    I put Primo kit directly in the GPS in the Program files/Navman directory and renamed the file Primo.exe to AppStartupSec.exe

    However, I don't have the fiirmware mod/WinCE unlock files, here is SD unlock, maybe you are lucky
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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