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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Using new metas on activator

    I've bought WESTERN EUROPE v11.30 on a GO720.

    90 8E D7 3F 26 F8 7B A0 09 99 A8 D3 DF 70 25 A7 Western_Europe-104122.meta ; Western Europe v1130.12303

    Using ACTIVATOR 1.20 I used the option CREATE to get the META

    I copied and pasted this meta to the meta.txt file.

    Interestingly the new meta had a DOT at the end of the meta instead of an UNDESCORE, plus a v infront of the 1130

    90 8E D7 3F 26 F8 7B A0 09 99 A8 D3 DF 70 25 A7 Western_Europe-104122.meta ; Western Europe 1130_12303

    I pasted this meta again onto the meta.txt file.

    When I use ACTIVATOR to try and activate another GO530 using the above meat, but it could not activate and when I looked at the meta.txt file again, the meta had gone i.e deleted from the meta.txt file file.

    I then removed the v and replaced the DOT with an UNDERSCORE to match other metas in the meta.txt file.

    Trying both UPDATE meta and not using UPDATE meta options on Activator 1.20 the same result

    ANybody know what I'm doing wrong ?

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  3. #2
    Member + wowanzik's Avatar
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    I activated Western Europe v1130.12303, registered your meta along the path TTActivator-v1.20/meta. Like that..

    90 8E D7 3F 26 F8 7B A0 09 99 A8 D3 DF 70 25 A7 Western_Europe-104122.meta ; Western Europe 1130_12303
    77 1E 98 5A 6D 6E 01 B4 98 D5 11 10 DC EE 00 8B Africa-104044.meta ; Africa 1125_12201
    B7 62 D3 22 BC DB C6 E8 A2 1B 26 3A 10 A7 64 BF Africa-104048.meta ; Africa 1125_12205



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