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  1. #1
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    Default Deleting maps from Garmin

    Have Garmin dezl 770LMT for a few weeks, I work as a truck driver. Have a problem when Im for example in Italy and need to go to Germany. Calculation send me trough Switzerland and Liechenstain. If I delete this two maps will calculation go around?

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Deleting maps from Garmin
    Deleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from Garmin
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    I doubt that having the other two countries' mapping data loaded is what's causing the weird routing. More likely it's because you have one or more avoidance checked under "Navigation" or there's some other truck-centric setting enabled causing your problem. If that's not the case then hard-resetting it will likely clear the problem but be aware that will remove all history and favourites: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Sometimes it's necessary to additionally clear the non-volatile memory if a hard reset doesn't work: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by autosoftware View Post
    Have Garmin dezl 770LMT for a few weeks, I work as a truck driver. Have a problem when Im for example in Italy and need to go to Germany. Calculation send me trough Switzerland and Liechenstain. If I delete this two maps will calculation go around?
    Add an intermediate point in Austria (Is this how you travel?). I think this will change your route.

  5. #4
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    yes, company cvs also go to Swiss

    i add munchen 99 road coordinates for exapmle, most job goes that way, in both navigation calculation and solve problems from a to b, but sometimes i need fast calculation when im working Germany to Germany job and i really need road that pass Switzerland and i buy dezl to avoid that and dont know how to solve

    if i add region to avoid its not precise and cause me trouble

  6. #5
    VIP Master Deleting maps from Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by autosoftware View Post
    Have Garmin dezl 770LMT for a few weeks, I work as a truck driver. Have a problem when Im for example in Italy and need to go to Germany. Calculation send me trough Switzerland and Liechenstain. If I delete this two maps will calculation go around?
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  7. #6
    Member + Deleting maps from GarminDeleting maps from Garmin ashrafz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by autosoftware View Post
    Have Garmin dezl 770LMT for a few weeks, I work as a truck driver. Have a problem when Im for example in Italy and need to go to Germany. Calculation send me trough Switzerland and Liechenstain. If I delete this two maps will calculation go around?
    Additionally, you can also set up custom avoidance for specific countries or regions if you don't want to delete maps but still want to avoid certain areas. Here's how you can do it:
    Select Navigation.
    Choose avoidances.
    Define custom avoidances.
    Add the regions (such as Switzerland and Liechtenstein) that you want to avoid.
    This way the device will calculate routes that go beyond the specified areas without having to delete the maps. But pay attention to some things, such as the shorter distance and a suitable route for trucks




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