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  1. #1
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    Default Waypoint averaging details

    I'm using a Garmin 64cs to locate property monuments, frequently deep in the woods. I'm experimenting with Waypoint Averaging and some of my distance from are off by 25-60' even after as many as 8 samples. Others are dead on (0' off). One possibility is that I averaged against the wrong waypoint resulting in an outlier to the dataset screwing up the average.

    My question is how does averaging actually work in the 64cs? i.e. is it maintaining a weighted average of a single LAT/LONG and how many times it has been included in the average, or does it maintain all the individual samples and recalc the average as new points are added? If the latter, is it possible to see/edit those individual waypoints to see if there is an outlier? BaseCamp doesn't even seem to have the sample size.

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  3. #2
    IT Administrator Waypoint averaging details
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    I don't use my Garmin much, but I have done over the years been locating locations from maps to go to and have got very close to that location and once I have found it take a location point, but if it is wooded as you say the location can vary due to lack of clear skies and clouds, so I do several and label each, check when back home on Google or Bing Maps and use closest then delete rest.
    I'm in Western Australia and bush out in the gold fields are lightly timbered but but still have GPS lock trouble and in our forests, even worse problems.
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