in Germany the general average is also called "Otto Normal Consumer"... or -car 😉
I'm not familiar with this term and even though I googled it, I didn't understand the winking affiliation to the topic.option for “Otto Normalo” car navigation 😉
Can you please explain what you meant by "Otto Normalo"?
Last edited by kwbs; 22nd March 2024 at 01:45 PM.
in Germany the general average is also called "Otto Normal Consumer"... or -car 😉
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
Just an additional note on the above discussed topic:
It turns out that we have already participated in an identical and developed discussion, but I forgot that I have it in my "favorites" and the link directly to it. So here it is and any additional information that will benefit from it, will be worth it.
Started with @cristianyxtl: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Last edited by kwbs; 29th March 2024 at 08:10 AM.