; [Label<from>-<to>]: group name defines zoom levels (/128px)
; area=<Road Class 1>, <Road Class 2>, ... <Road Class N>
; TBD.
; poi="<Settlement Class>", "<Font Name>", "<Font Color>", "<Font Size>", "<Icon Name>", <Icon Index>, "<Far Icon Name>", <Far Icon Index>
; <Settlement Class>: "Settlement.*", type of settlements, see below
; <Font Name>: use "default" for default normal or "defaultbd" for default bold font
; <Font Color>: name of font color, see colordef file for definition
; <Font Size>: size of font used to render settlement name. Negative font size means right-aligned
; text, used in maps for countries in RTL language.
; <Icon Name>: Icon name, defined under colordef file's [icon] group
; <Icon Index>: Icon phase in icon file
; <Far Icon Name>: Icon name in high zoom level, defined under colordef file's [icon] group
; <Far Icon Index>: Icon phase in high zoom level
; Note: <Far Icon Name> and <Far Icon Index> are optional, if not defined, <Icon Name>/<Icon Index> will be used.
; Settlement Class definitions:
; TeleAtlas:
; Class 1 not yet defined
; Class 2 capital of country
; Class 3 not yet defined
; Class 4 most important settlement of a municipality >= 1.000.000 inhabitants
; Class 5 most important settlement of a municipality of 500.000-999.999 inhabitants
; Class 6 not yet defined
; Class 7 most important settlement of a municipality of 100.000-499.999 inhabitants
; Class 8 most important settlement of a municipality of 50.000-99.999 inhabitants
; Class 9 not yet defined
; Class 10 most important settlement of a municipality of 10.000-49.999 inhabitants
; Class 11 most important settlement of a municipality < 10.000 inhabitants
; Class 12 all other settlements
; Other providers TBD.