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  1. #1
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    Default GA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software Missing

    The GPS unit worked yesterday on my current trip. When turned on this morning to start a new leg on my journey, the screen displayed "System Software Missing". I've tried re-booting but keep getting the same message.
    I've tried holding the power key and upper left side of screen to enter Pre-Boot mode with no success. The Garmin logo appears and shortly after I get "System Software Missing".

    Model: Garmin RV 770
    HWID: 2684 (Used Go to Win to find)
    Software Ver: 7.70

    I've downloaded the Updater.exe and RV_Camper770_770.gcd from Garmin but haven't made any attempt to use the files since I can't put the device in MTP mode.

    Basecamp can see the device connected via USB cable, but Garmin Express can't find it.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Magnetron; 21st June 2023 at 02:10 AM. Reason: approved post

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast GA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software Missing
    GA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software MissingGA7.70RMIN RV 770 System Software Missing
    Boki's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
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    Hope it's just a software leak, otherwise the chip has been damaged (possible)
    In the first case, reinstallation of firmware and software. Other - RMA or service

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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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