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  1. #31
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen
    Vehicle Back Code
    VB Default
    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_VB Default

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    Back codes speedcam 46, 57, 58, 59

    speedwarn map multi function

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 8th July 2024 at 09:15 AM.

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  3. #32
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen
    Vehicle Back Code
    Spoiler: VB

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    Back codes speedcam 46, 57, 58, 59

    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_VB Mod AF 3DFDK


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_VB Mod AF 3DM


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_VB Mod AF 3DF v4


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_VB Default AF

    Back codes speedcam 46, 57, 58, 59


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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 8th July 2024 at 09:15 AM.

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  4. #33
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    New Code
    Spoiler: NC

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    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37, 49

    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_NC Mod AF 3DFDK


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_NC Mod AF 3DM


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_NC Mod AF 3DF v4


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_NC Default AF


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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 8th July 2024 at 09:12 AM.

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  5. #34
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    BG - FR, BG BR
    Bulgaria - France
    Spoiler: BG - FR

    Spoiler: speedcam_mod BG NF

    AVvXsEidtN6XZ LK  3wfcQkkmYtCB9dYQ2uqzWIBOtLorHi7wkmq 0o3 bL5 p3EV30kc66Q 8mmFgqlPIVJJrmFPiVCLHJtCCnWPVQ3DVUIllze5hIhr hIGmL17J9UOjBaznWvnc5NC0b3MIl9hl7JofMAk lQcrVY4VMfv6QlNtVGvqExfuTpbn2trt0=s2009

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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod FR NF

    AVvXsEiH4E8X9R2PmRzp8R2g6DY4Hp9TAkE5myZZ9jZQFMr17eCR0DIzUuFnUbIVH7Vwq1mek xwIK5U5bMQ1ulHdlG8IVYIzvD sl0HQV3YBAfKDjm695d81bURM0B78xecbj9qE99V6C44LU7SJA8MBz1IXQsFz4qAaNPds W8Bfy2q J45 foem4xSvPE=s2009

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    Spoiler: Mod BG BR AF


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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 1st January 2024 at 12:15 PM.

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  6. #35
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    Spoiler: GR

    Spoiler: GR NF

    AVvXsEjKO gf9yaMzIeWODkaaq6eMii glKPXfr fkM3PJuykVXEcj37DoQdcjhO4o3hjvFfEBs7QPcgHYQGOsPf7UJmuSkDKLDy 9jJero4saj0nUjbhHtjpS3n1TcQnz0o1vYjWuoA861iMxFHMgWdD26NdCM1T6txuWIAgXPYGTtnvlBOvHn7kwtdByZY=s2009

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 1st January 2024 at 12:16 PM.

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  7. #36
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    Spoiler: SP

    Spoiler: Mod SP 3DFDK


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    Spoiler: Mod SP 3DF


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    Spoiler: dictionary SP

    Speed Camera="Radar Fijo"
    Mobile Speed Camera="Posible Radar Oculto"
    Built-in Speed Camera="Radar Fijo en Semáforo"
    Average Speed Camera="Radar de Tramo - Inicio"
    Red Light Camera="Radar de Semáforo en Rojo"
    Multi Function Camera="Radar Multifuncional"
    Railroad Crossing="Cruce de Ferrocarril"
    Bus Lane Camera="Cámara para Carril de Autobús"
    High Accident Zone="Tramo de Concentración de Accidentes"
    School Zone="Zona Escolar"
    Town Entry Point="Zona Bajas Emisiones"
    Red Light and Speed Camera="Radar de Semáforo en Rojo y por Exceso de Velocidad"
    Toll Booth="Autopista de Peaje"
    Hospital, Ambulance="Hospital o Centro de Salud"
    Fire Station="Estación de Bomberos"
    Congestion Charge Zone="Área Urbana de Pago"
    Alcohol Test="Control de Alcoholemia"
    Fixed Mobile Camera="Posible Radar Móvil"
    Speed Breaker="Limitador de Velocidad"
    Residential Priority Area="Área de Prioridad Residencial"
    Dangerous Turn="Curva Peligrosa"
    Radar Tunnel="Radar de Túnel"
    POI="Punto de Interés"
    RPS Post="Posible Control de Tráfico"
    Radar Variable="Radar Fijo Límite Variable"
    Radar Mobile Variable="Posible Radar Oculto Límite Variable"
    Radar Stop="Radar de Stop"
    Average Interval="Punto Intermedio en Tramo Controlado"
    Average Speed End="Fin de Tramo Controlado"
    Radar Velolaser="Radar Velolaser"
    SC camera="Cámara para Control de Uso de Cinturón y Móvil"
    Dangerous Area="Punto de Circulación Peligroso"

    Speed camera ahead.="Radar fijo."
    Speed camera.="Radar fijo."
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="Posible radar oculto."
    Mobile speed camera.="Posible radar oculto."
    Built-in speed camera ahead.="Radar fijo incorporado en semáforo."
    Built-in speed camera.="Radar fijo incorporado en semáforo."
    Average speed camera ahead.="Radar de tramo. Inicio."
    Average speed camera.="Radar de tramo. Inicio."
    Red light camera ahead.="Radar de semáforo en rojo."
    Red light camera.="Radar de semáforo en rojo."
    Multi Function Camera ahead.="Radar multifuncional."
    Multi Function Camera.="Radar multifuncional."
    Railway crossing ahead.="Cruce de ferrocarril."
    Railway crossing.="Cruce de ferrocarril."
    Bus lane camera ahead.="Cámara para carril de autobús."
    Bus lane camera.="Cámara para carril de autobús."
    High accident zone ahead.="Tramo de concentración de accidentes."
    High accident zone.="Tramo de concentración de accidentes."
    School zone ahead.="Zona escolar."
    School zone.="Zona escolar."
    Town entry point ahead.="Zona Bajas Emisiones."
    Town entry point.="Zona Bajas Emisiones."
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="Radar de semáforo en rojo y por exceso de velocidad."
    Red light and speed camera.="Radar de semáforo en rojo y por exceso de velocidad."
    Toll booth ahead.="Autopista de peaje."
    Toll booth.="Autopista de peaje."
    Hospital, Ambulance ahead.="Hospital,o centro de salud."
    Hospital, Ambulance.="Hospital,o centro de salud."
    Fire Station ahead.="Estación de bomberos."
    Fire Station.="Estación de bomberos."
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="Área urbana de pago."
    Congestion charge zone.="Área urbana de pago."
    Alcohol Test ahead.="Posible control de alcoholemia."
    Alcohol Test.="Posible control de alcoholemia."
    Fixed Mobile Camera ahead.="Posible radar móvil."
    Fixed Mobile Camera.="Posible radar móvil."
    Speed Breaker ahead.="Limitador de velocidad."
    Speed Breaker.="Limitador de velocidad."
    Residential Priority Area ahead.="Área de prioridad residencial."
    Residential Priority Area.="Área de prioridad residencial."
    Dangerous Turn ahead.="Curva peligrosa."
    Dangerous Turn.="Curva peligrosa."
    Radar Tunnel ahead.="Radar de túnel."
    Radar Tunnel.="Radar de túnel."
    POI ahead.="Punto de interés."
    POI.="Punto de interés."
    RPS Post ahead.="Posible control de tráfico."
    RPS Post.="Posible control de tráfico."
    Radar Variable ahead.="Radar fijo. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Variable.="Radar fijo. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Mobile Variable ahead.="Posible radar oculto. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Mobile Variable.="Posible radar oculto. Límite de velocidad variable."
    Radar Stop ahead.="Radar de Stop."
    Radar Stop.="Radar de Stop."
    Average Interval ahead.="Recuerda que se encuentra en un tramo controlado por radar."
    Average Interval.="Recuerda que se encuentra en un tramo controlado por radar."
    Average Speed End ahead.="Fin de tramo controlado."
    Average Speed End.="Fin de tramo controlado."
    Radar Velolaser ahead.="Posible radar láser."
    Radar Velolaser.="Posible radar láser."
    SC camera ahead.="Cámara para control de uso de cinturón y móvil."
    SC camera.="Cámara para control de uso de cinturón y móvil."
    Dangerous area ahead.="Punto de circulación peligroso."
    Dangerous area.="Punto de circulación peligroso."

    Last edited by Andrey Form; 1st January 2024 at 03:05 PM.

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  8. #37
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    EUR + Mod AF
    Spoiler: EUR +

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    Spoiler: EUR+ 3DFDK Mod AF


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    Spoiler: EUR+ 3DF v4 Mod AF


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    Spoiler: EUR+ 3DF Mod AF


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    Spoiler: EUR+


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    Spoiler: speedcam_mod_EUR+ Default AF


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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 8th July 2024 at 09:19 AM.

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  9. #38
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    Italy Mod AF

    Spoiler: IT

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37

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    Spoiler: IT 3DF


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    Spoiler: dictionary ITA

    Speed Camera="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile Speed camera="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in Speed Camera="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average Speed Camera="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light Camera="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Multi Function Camera="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Railway Crossing="Passaggio a Livello"
    Bus Lane Camera="Telecamera sulla corsia dei trasporti pubblici"
    High Accident Zone="Black Points, Punto Pericoloso"
    School Zone="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red Light and Speed Camera="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll Booth="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion Charge Zone="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Camera Overtaking="Telecamera di controllo del sorpasso"
    Camera Semipermanent="Box Semipermanente"
    Speed Breaker="Dosso Artificiale"
    Children="Area Giochi"
    Transit No="Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    POI="Punto di Interesse"
    No Truck Overtaking="Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    No Camping="No Camper"
    Highway Exit="Uscita autostradale"
    Speed Boards="Dissuasore"
    Highway TypeB="Accesso Superstrada"
    Narrow or Low Point="Limiti di Massa o Sagoma"
    Highway TypeA="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC Camera="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    Speed camera ahead.="Avanti Autovelox Fisso"
    Speed camera.="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="Avanti Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Mobile speed camera.="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in speed camera ahead.="Avanti Fotocamera integrata"
    Built-in speed camera.="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average speed camera ahead.="Avanti TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Average speed camera.="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light camera ahead.="Avanti Semaforo Controllato"
    Red light camera.="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Railway crossing ahead.="Avanti Passaggio a Livello"
    Railway crossing.="Passaggio a Livello"
    Bus lane camera ahead.="Avanti Corsia Preferenziale"
    Bus lane camera.="Corsia Preferenziale"
    High accident zone ahead.="Avanti Punto Pericoloso"
    High accident zone.="Punto Pericoloso"
    School zone ahead.="Avanti Zona Scolastica"
    School zone.="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End ahead.="Avanti Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Average Speed End point.="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="Avanti Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Red light and speed camera.="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll booth ahead.="Avanti Stazione pagamenti"
    Toll booth.="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance ahead.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Hospital, Ambulance.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station ahead.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Fire Station.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Congestion charge zone.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Camera Overtaking ahead.="Avanti Telecamera di controllo del sorpasso"
    Camera Overtaking.="Telecamera di controllo del sorpasso"
    Camera Semipermanent ahead.="Avanti Box Semipermanente"
    Camera Semipermanent.="Box Semipermanente"
    Speed Breaker ahead.="Avanti Dosso Artificiale"
    Speed Breaker.="Dosso Artificiale"
    Children ahead.="Avanti Area Giochi"
    Children.="Area Giochi"
    Transit No ahead.="Avanti Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    Transit No.="Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    Tunnel ahead.="Avanti Galleria"
    POI ahead.="Punto di Interesse"
    POI.="Punto di Interesse"
    No Truck Overtaking ahead.="Avanti Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    No Truck Overtaking.="Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    No Camping ahead.="No Camper"
    No Camping.="No Camper"
    Highway Exit ahead.="Avanti Uscita autostradale"
    Highway Exit.="Uscita autostradale"
    Speed Boards ahead.="Avanti Dissuasore"
    Speed Boards.="Dissuasore"
    Highway TypeB ahead.="Avanti Accesso Superstrada"
    Highway TypeB=.="Accesso Superstrada"
    Narrow or Low Point ahead.="Avanti Limiti di Massa o Sagoma"
    Narrow or Low Point.="Limiti di Massa o Sagoma"
    Highway TypeA= ahead.="Avanti Accesso Autostradale"
    Highway TypeA=.="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC camera ahead.="Avanti Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    SC camera.="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter ahead.="Avanti Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"
    Dangerous Road Winter.="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    Spoiler: Code speedcam.txt IT
    20_Divieti Transito_Camion

    IT Truck
    Italy Truck Mod AF

    Spoiler: IT Truck

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37, 49

    Spoiler: IT 3DF Truck


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    Spoiler: dictionary ITA Truck

    Speed Camera="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile Speed camera="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in Speed Camera="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average Speed Camera="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light Camera="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Multi Function Camera="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Railway Crossing="Passaggio a Livello"
    Bus Lane Camera="Telecamera sulla corsia dei trasporti pubblici"
    High Accident Zone="Black Points, Punto Pericoloso"
    School Zone="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red Light and Speed Camera="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll Booth="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion Charge Zone="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Loading Permit="Pernesso crico, scarico"
    Trailer Prohibited="Il rimorchio del camion č vietato"
    Speed Breaker="Dosso Artificiale"
    Children="Area Giochi"
    Transit No="Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    POI="Punto di Interesse"
    No Truck Overtaking="Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    Parking Lourd="Parcheggio per camion"
    Goods prohibited="Merci pericolose vietate"
    Speed Boards="Dissuasore"
    Width Limit="Vincolo di larghezza"
    Height Limit="Limite di altezza"
    Highway TypeA="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC Camera="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    Speed camera ahead.="Avanti Autovelox Fisso"
    Speed camera.="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="Avanti Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Mobile speed camera.="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in speed camera ahead.="Avanti Fotocamera integrata"
    Built-in speed camera.="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average speed camera ahead.="Avanti TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Average speed camera.="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light camera ahead.="Avanti Semaforo Controllato"
    Red light camera.="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Railway crossing ahead.="Avanti Passaggio a Livello"
    Railway crossing.="Passaggio a Livello"
    Bus lane camera ahead.="Avanti Corsia Preferenziale"
    Bus lane camera.="Corsia Preferenziale"
    High accident zone ahead.="Avanti Punto Pericoloso"
    High accident zone.="Punto Pericoloso"
    School zone ahead.="Avanti Zona Scolastica"
    School zone.="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End ahead.="Avanti Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Average Speed End point.="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="Avanti Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Red light and speed camera.="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll booth ahead.="Avanti Stazione pagamenti"
    Toll booth.="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance ahead.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Hospital, Ambulance.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station ahead.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Fire Station.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Congestion charge zone.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Loading permit ahead.="Avanti Pernesso crico, scarico"
    Loading permit.="Pernesso crico, scarico"
    Trailer prohibited ahead.="Avanti Il rimorchio del camion č vietato"
    Trailer prohibited.="Il rimorchio del camion č vietato"
    Speed Breaker ahead.="Avanti Dosso Artificiale"
    Speed Breaker.="Dosso Artificiale"
    Children ahead.="Avanti Area Giochi"
    Children.="Area Giochi"
    Transit No ahead.="Avanti Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    Transit No.="Divieto di Transito ai Camion"
    Tunnel ahead.="Avanti Galleria"
    POI ahead.="Punto di Interesse"
    POI.="Punto di Interesse"
    No Truck Overtaking ahead.="Avanti Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    No Truck Overtaking.="Divieto di Sorpasso per Camion"
    Parking lourd ahead.="Avanti Parcheggio per camion"
    Parking lourd.="Parcheggio per camion"
    Goods prohibited ahead.="Avanti Merci pericolose vietate"
    Goods prohibited.="Merci pericolose vietate"
    Speed Boards ahead.="Avanti Dissuasore"
    Speed Boards.="Dissuasore"
    Width Limit ahead.="Avanti Vincolo di larghezza"
    Width Limit=.="Vincolo di larghezza"
    Height Limit ahead.="Avanti Limite di altezza"
    Height Limit.="Limite di altezza"
    Highway TypeA.= ahead.="Avanti Accesso Autostradale"
    Highway TypeA.="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC camera ahead.="Avanti Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    SC camera.="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter ahead.="Avanti Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"
    Dangerous Road Winter.="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    IT BUS
    Italy Bus Mod AF

    Spoiler: IT BUS

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37

    Spoiler: IT 3DF Bus


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    Spoiler: dictionary ITA Bus

    Speed Camera="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile Speed camera="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in Speed Camera="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average Speed Camera="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light Camera="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Multi Function Camera="La fotocamera multifunzione"
    Railway Crossing="Passaggio a Livello"
    Point Passengers="Punto di imbarco passeggeri"
    High Accident Zone="Black Points, Punto Pericoloso"
    School Zone="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red Light and Speed Camera="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll Booth="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion Charge Zone="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Prohibition Except Bus="Prohibition except bus"
    Height Limit 8="Limite di altezza (3.80)"
    Speed Breaker="Dosso Artificiale"
    Height Limit 7="Limite di altezza (3.70)"
    Bus No="Divieto di ingresso per gli autobus"
    POI="Punto di Interesse"
    Height Limit 6="Limite di altezza (3.60)"
    Park Bus="Flotta di autobus"
    Сhek Poion Bus="Controllo autobus"
    Speed Boards="Dissuasore"
    Width Limit="Vincolo di larghezza"
    Height Limit 9="Limite di altezza (3.90)"
    Highway TypeA="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC Camera="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    Speed camera ahead.="Avanti Autovelox Fisso"
    Speed camera.="Autovelox Fisso"
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="Avanti Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Mobile speed camera.="Possibile Autovelox Mobile"
    Built-in speed camera ahead.="Avanti Fotocamera integrata"
    Built-in speed camera.="Fotocamera integrata"
    Average speed camera ahead.="Avanti TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Average speed camera.="TUTOR (Controllo della Velocitŕ Media)"
    Red light camera ahead.="Avanti Semaforo Controllato"
    Red light camera.="Semaforo Controllato"
    Strelka Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Strelka Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera ahead.="Avanti La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Multi Function Camera.="La fotocamera multifunzione "
    Railway crossing ahead.="Avanti Passaggio a Livello"
    Railway crossing.="Passaggio a Livello"
    Point passengers ahead.="Avanti Punto di imbarco passeggeri"
    Point passengers.="Punto di imbarco passeggeri"
    High accident zone ahead.="Avanti Punto Pericoloso"
    High accident zone.="Punto Pericoloso"
    School zone ahead.="Avanti Zona Scolastica"
    School zone.="Zona Scolastica"
    Average Speed End ahead.="Avanti Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Average Speed End point.="Fine della Zona Tutor"
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="Avanti Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Red light and speed camera.="Luce rossa e autovelox"
    Toll booth ahead.="Avanti Stazione pagamenti"
    Toll booth.="Stazione pagamenti"
    Hospital, Ambulance ahead.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Hospital, Ambulance.="Zona Ospedaliera"
    Fire Station ahead.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Fire Station.="Caserma Vigili del Fuoco"
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Congestion charge zone.="ZTL, Zona a Traffico Limitato"
    Prohibition except bus ahead.="Avanti Prohibition except bus"
    Prohibition except bus.="Prohibition except bus"
    Height Limit 8 ahead.="Avanti Limite di altezza 3,80"
    Height Limit 8.="Limite di altezza 3,80"
    Speed Breaker ahead.="Avanti Dosso Artificiale"
    Speed Breaker.="Dosso Artificiale"
    Height Limit 7 ahead.="Avanti Limite di altezza 3,70"
    Height Limit 7.="Limite di altezza 3,70"
    Bus No ahead.="Avanti Divieto di ingresso per gli autobus"
    Bus No.="Divieto di ingresso per gli autobus"
    Tunnel ahead.="Avanti Galleria"
    POI ahead.="Punto di Interesse"
    POI.="Punto di Interesse"
    Height Limit 6 ahead.="Avanti Limite di altezza 3,60"
    Height Limit 6.="Limite di altezza 3,60"
    Park bus ahead.="Avanti Flotta di autobus"
    Park bus.="Flotta di autobus"
    Сhek poion bus ahead.="Avanti Controllo autobus"
    Сhek poion bus.="Controllo autobus"
    Speed Boards ahead.="Avanti Dissuasore"
    Speed Boards.="Dissuasore"
    Width Limit ahead.="Avanti Vincolo di larghezza"
    Width Limit.="Vincolo di larghezza"
    Height Limit 9 ahead.="Avanti Limite di altezza 3,90"
    Height Limit 9.="Limite di altezza 3,90"
    Highway TypeA= ahead.="Avanti Accesso Autostradale"
    Highway TypeA=.="Accesso Autostradale"
    SC camera ahead.="Avanti Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    SC camera.="Telecamere di Monitoraggio"
    Dangerous Road Winter ahead.="Avanti Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"
    Dangerous Road Winter.="Possibile Tratto Ghiacciato"

    IT Truck V2
    Italy Truck Mod AF

    Spoiler: IT Truck V2

    Back codes speedcam 32, 34, 37, 49

    Spoiler: IT 3DF Truck


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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 1st January 2024 at 12:18 PM.

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  10. #39
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
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    Amigo UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam_mod.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen
    Truck - Hungary
    Truck - Hungary Mod AF
    Spoiler: Truck

    Truck 3DF
    Spoiler: Truck 3DF
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    Truck 3D map
    Spoiler: Truck 3D map

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    Truck Default
    Spoiler: Truck Default

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    Spoiler: dictionary

    Automatic weighing ahead.
    Automatic Weighing.
    Width limit ahead.
    Width Limit.
    POI ahead.
    Height limit ahead.
    Height Limit.
    Mandatory Directional Camera ahead.
    Mandatory Directional Camera.
    Tracking distance ahead.
    Tracking Distance.
    Frontier crossing ahead.
    Frontier Crossing.
    Customs control ahead.
    Customs Control.
    Country Vignette Hungary End ahead.
    Country Vignette Hungary End.
    Weight limit ahead.
    Weight Limit.
    Toll-free Road Section End ahead.
    Toll-free Road Section End.
    County border ahead.
    County Border.
    On-board Tolling Device ahead.
    On-board Tolling Device.
    Attached Files Attached Files
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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 9th February 2023 at 06:24 AM.

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  11. #40
    Super Moderator UX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    UX - plugin for skin Mod AFUX - plugin for skin Mod AF
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Oct 2019
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    Amigo iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip

    UX - plugin for skin pongo iGO nextgen
    speedcam.zip Mod AF

    iGO nextgen

    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2021.09.06
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Link speedcam.zip 2021.09.06 - Mod AF
    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2021.11.17
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Link speedcam.zip 2021.11.17 - Mod AF
    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2022.01.04
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Link speedcam.zip 2022.01.04 - Mod AF
    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2022.05.11
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Link speedcam.zip 2022.05.11 - Mod AF
    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2023.01.12
    Link speedcam.zip 2023.01.12 - Mod AF
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2023.04.06
    Link speedcam.zip 2023.04.06 - Mod AF
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2023.07.14
    Link speedcam.zip 2023.07.14 - Mod AF
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Spoiler: Link

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    iGO nextgen Skin pongo - speedcam.zip 2023.10.21
    Link speedcam.zip 2023.10.21 - Mod AF
    Speedcam.zip Mod AF

    Spoiler: Link

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 13th November 2024 at 10:48 AM.

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