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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    HERE LOGO Hong Kong & Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4

    Hong Kong & Macau (China) HERE 2021 - Q4
    Spoiler: Content:
    Directories: 11, Files: 27, Size: 157 314 887 B

    Name Size Rating
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4 (0) 157 314 887
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    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\building (4) 12 290 711
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.3dc 2 233 430
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.3dl 9 401 449
    Macao_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.3dc 87 845
    Macao_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.3dl 568 285
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    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\global_cfg (2) 8 422 918
    global_cfg.zip 8 368 905
    local_cfg.zip 54 224
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\lang (3) 110 726
    Lang_Chinese-simp.zip 37 944
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    Lang_English-uk.zip 34 995
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\map (8) 15 199 118
    Basemap_NNG_2012.03_190527.fbl 9 210 320
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.fbl 2 731 080
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.fda 17 480
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.fjv 2 247 240
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    Macao_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220110.fbl 377 933
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    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_Jci_21Q4_220310.ph 100 942
    Macao_China_HERE_Jci_21Q4_220310.ph 20 939
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\poi (2) 25 522 075
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220107.poi 24 216 840
    Macao_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220107.poi 1 305 384
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\speedcam (2) 8 470
    Hong_Kong_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220111.spc 5 896
    Macao_China_HERE_2021.Q4_220111.spc 2 723
    Y:\Hong_Kong_&_Macau_HKMC_2021-Q4\content\voice (3) 405 079
    Voice_TTS-nua-cmn-lua.zip 135 451
    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-uk-lua.zip 133 455
    Voice_TTS-nua-yue-lua.zip 136 431

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  3. #2
    Master kwbs's Avatar
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    Is the phoneme folder necessary?
    Last edited by kwbs; 30th September 2022 at 05:27 AM.

  4. #3
    iGO Enthusiast Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4
    Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4Hong Kong &amp; Macau (China) HERE 2021-Q4
    Boki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    Phoneme files are never mandatory
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!

    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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