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    Default Dezl LMT unit charges but not with traffic cables

    I have a dezl 570LMT (# 3YD014508) that works and charges properly with an older plain TA20 cable. BUT when I use the supplied GTM36 traffic receiver cable or even a newer GTM60 it immediately switches to “Garmin.com/express” mode and it then displays message “The attached power cord cannot charge your device etc.” And in fact, these two authorized cables do not charge this unit. The very same receiver cables work just fine with a Garmin Drive Smart 65. The dezl unit also connects properly with computer and is up to date with both software and maps. Not sure when this started but not long after I bought it. I then switched to the TA20 cable which works OK but of course no traffic with this. Cures?

    I have reset unit several times both via menus and with the power off restart finger corner reset method. Battery is in good condition and can keep unit running when fully charged for well over an hour. So far no response from Garmin Help.
    Last edited by Boki; 18th February 2022 at 07:25 PM. Reason: moved to proper section, approved

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  3. #2
    VIP Master Dezl LMT unit charges but not with traffic cables
    Dezl LMT unit charges but not with traffic cablesDezl LMT unit charges but not with traffic cablesDezl LMT unit charges but not with traffic cables
    Garman_Nuvi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hubot View Post
    I then switched to the TA20 cable which works OK but of course no traffic with this. Cures?
    There are Fake TA 20's cables everywhere on-line ,they charge but the are just the standard cable with a blue LED & TA 20 sticker and no Traffic Antenna
    "Better late than never"
    The TA10 & TA20 cables are the correct ones. TA is for Traffic Antenna ,your device has an integrated traffic receiver.
    Last edited by Garman_Nuvi; 5th March 2022 at 07:56 AM.



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