Hi, I'm searching for another dashboard for this Navi, is there anything available?
Last edited by asprin624; 8th December 2021 at 07:37 AM.
Thanks for the replays, but I think my question was not clear.
I'm looking to change the existing original route display to a custom made something like in Igo Navigation system. I would like to have the overspeed indication in the middle of the screen.
Last edited by Boki; 8th December 2021 at 08:21 AM. Reason: approved
Garmin removed the custom dashboard feature from many of their models.
So there is no way to add or change the dashboard settings for your DriveSmart 61.
You get enough sound warnings with this model that you do not need to look all the time on the screen.
You even get a banner on the top telling you of any changes in road speed ahead.
Or just try going the speed limit in Germany the signs are posted clearly as I have driven many times there.
Plus you already asked about this Garmin in another post......
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Last edited by asprin624; 8th December 2021 at 09:44 AM.