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  1. #11
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    Thank you very much for your time.

    Images will be the best to show my issue

    This is how I see the map from ComputerTeddy from Europe, zoom out:

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    As I zoom in, I continue seen just the rectangles.

    At a given zoom in level, I see this:

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    That it is so detailed I am unaware of which part of France this is.

    So I have to zoom in and out until I have selected the tiles I am interested in.

    Besides, some other sources just provide IMGs. There is the extra chore of installing them to the PC via GMapTools or whatever tool you like to.
    But the most cumbersome is just zooming in/out, and I always end up missing some tiles and having some I do not need. That
    I discover just after compiling the new img. So, repeat the operation of selection and producing a new img, until all is ok.

    Not tried with mapsource; I will do. My first stone in the way is that mapsource is not opening IMGs, and I am not finding how to make mapsource recognize an installed map (mkgmap way). So, perhaps I have to try with MapToolSet.

    Last edited by caspertone; 22nd June 2021 at 03:19 PM.

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  3. #12
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    There are 2 ways to have all the tiles to show in "MapSource"

    One is this way:

    Example of Open map of France:

    Spoiler: Download the Basecamp version
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    Unzip the *.zip into the folder C:/ProgramData/Garmin/Maps/ and start Mapsource or Basecamp. No further installation required.
    Open "MapSource" and you will see the map.

    Or use the IMG version of the file and convert it to an installer version using "GMapTool"

    You will need the program "cGPSmapper Free" or the commercial version of "cGPSmapper" to work with "GMapTool".

    Once you have made the install version with "GMapTool" copy the folder to C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps.

    Then use the install inside the folder of the map you made to install.
    It now will show up in "MapSource".

    You are now ready to make a map of the tiles you need.
    As you can see from my other post it will show you the names of the tiles you picked.

    I always pick more that I need and then in the side column I remove the tiles I do not need before making the IMG file.
    Then Transfer the file.
    If you are using the patched version of "MapSource" you can copy it direct to your PC or Laptop.

    Without having you GPS attached.
    Then later you can copy it over to the GPS.
    This saves a lot of time when compiling the IMG file.

    Any of the IMG files I make are only on SD cards that way I can change them anytime I wand to a different map.
    Last edited by asprin624; 22nd June 2021 at 02:29 PM.

  4. #13
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    I updated previous post so you can see the images...

    I will try your recipe for mapsource views, will come back with results.

    Thanks again




    No luck with MapSource either, but your email gave me food for though... and got a cue that points to a solution...

    I found what I was doing bad in MapSource, I was trying to do a file/open (no IMG can be selected, no gmap,...), while it directly shows map installed as gmap (the one you pointed to, for "basecamp"). Mapsource directly opens the map as you said (when there is only one) or a box just under "file" with a selector - it is only shown if there are more than one maps... So, I was unable to saw anything until I loaded the maps that way and found how to see them...

    Computerteddy maps do not have download for Basecamp that seems to be what you are using (so, gmap format), only IMG (suc as this one; no France, just a bit of Europe, France included: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] )

    Basecamp can read the IMGs from a "virtual device" (such as a USB with IMGs inside a folder called Garmin ...), but it is unable to generate/transfer tiles of non-garmin original files ;-(

    While both MapInstall and MapSource are able to generate tiles for non-garmin IMG mapsets, you have to get those installed before, and that involves, for MapInstall, to use GMapTool to load it into the registry; for MapSource, to have them as gmap.

    What I found out is that my problem with the computerteddy map is that GMapTool creates a preview map that has the issue with the zoom. So, it is not the original Computerteddy IMG, but the output of GMapTool - zoom levels for preview are not suitable (for me at least) and there seems no way to change how GMapTool nor the command line gmt.exe use levels for the output preview file.

    I am now trying to find other way to load IMGs into MapInstall and/or MapSource. MapSetTool seems unable to create loaders for mapset IMGs (still tinkering). Other ways involve using Garmin MapConverter, Javawa Mapconvertenr, GMapTool+MSTK, ... Looks this might be the way...

    Will report back...

    TIA again,

  5. #14
    Master Help please on tile selectionHelp please on tile selection JmaCWQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caspertone View Post

    So, can zoom levels be adjusted with a different TYP file?

    TIA again,
    Not as far as I know.
    A typ file is used for displaying map elements differently, like how the map colours change when a GPS switches from day mode to night mode, that's all specified in the typ file, which itself is a part of the .img file.
    It can be used to change how roads, creeks, parks, forests and other things appear by changing their colours, thickness, patterns etc. etc..

    GPSMapEdit can change the zoom levels associated with maps, it can also extend elements up to a higher level so they appear at higher zoom levels than default.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetron View Post

    Hi JmaCWQ long time no see.
    Hey how you doin' Mags, been a while between drinks eh.
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  6. #15
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    Thanks again, and for the short intro to TYP that I will have to study deeper.

    I cannot use MapEdit to adjust levels... as the IMG is to big for being loaded in MapEdit. I need to cut the IMG so that it can be processed by MapEdit... but for that it would be convinient to solve the levels issue... by now, chicken/egg...


  7. #16
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I still do not understand why you are still having problems?? Instead of this "computerteddy map site"go to sites where you can get a installer version of the map you need.
    Like the one I posted for you as the example of France.

    As for converting "IMG" files to "Mapsource" installs with "GMapTool" it is so easy to do.

    But I would just stick to install versions of any Open Maps you need and there are lots of sites that have these install versions of maps.

    Seeing that your knowledge of "Garmin maps" is very limited. Then learn first with easy installer maps to be used with "Mapsource".
    Learn how "Mapsource" works first then go on to Making Map install versions with "GMapTool".

    Plus I do not understand why you just don't use the complete "IMG" file on your GPS Unit. If you do not have room on the memory side then put an SD card in the GPS with the map on it.

    As you have not told anyone what Garmin GPS unit you are working with.

    I have never had any problems zoom levels working with "Mapsource" or on any of my Garmin GPS Units.
    In fact I have never even tried to change and zoom levels. I just use the default both in "Mapsource" or any of my Garmin GPS Units.

    Been using Garmin since 2007 and have no need to change any thing about the Openstreet maps I download and use.
    Every 6 months or so I update each of the maps I use.
    As today I have 24 different Openstreet maps from different sites that I use.

    BeluLux I have 7 different Openstreet maps.

    When setting up tracks I switch between different maps some give more details then others.
    Some show more details of bike trails others show more details of dirt roads others show more details of POI's in the area.

    On "Mapsource" I work with Zoom level 1KM down to 300m when making a track to be used. Any lower that 300m I start to lose some roads and bike tracks.
    Plus never going higher than 1km when looking on the map.

    When on a hiking trail I sometimes zoom in if Geocache area for more detail.

    But default zoom levels have always worked for me.

    This is the zoom levels I work in when making tracks in "Mapsource".

    Spoiler: 0ne KM level

    Spoiler: 300 meter level.

    When picking tiles to make an IMG file I go to 15km zoom level as shown in my earlier post.
    Last edited by asprin624; 23rd June 2021 at 07:06 AM.

  8. #17
    Master Help please on tile selectionHelp please on tile selection JmaCWQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caspertone View Post
    ...I cannot use MapEdit to adjust levels... as the IMG is to big for being loaded in MapEdit. I need to cut the IMG so that it can be processed by MapEdit... but for that it would be convinient to solve the levels issue... by now, chicken/egg...

    Yes depending on size the .img sometimes needs to be split into it's individual, smaller tiles in order to be loaded into GPSMapEdit.
    In the screenshots above I used the free Australian [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] for that example.
    The full ShonkyMaps map consists of 366 individual .img tiles joined to create a single .img that is a complete map of Australia.
    I used GmapTool to split, once loaded I set 'Create' to 'Single Maps' on the 'Split' page after choosing a location, then clicked 'Split All'.
    Once split then I simply loaded one of the tiles into GPSMapEdit & took the screenshots.
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  9. #18
    IT Administrator Help please on tile selection
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    Looks Like you may have a way around your issue caspertone
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  10. #19
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    @asprin624 + @JmaCWQ + @Magnetron

    First, the good news: I found an easy way. For me, "this is the way"

    Maptk (maptk.de) is able to produce a gmap format from a large size mapset IMG. Then, either Basecamp, MapInstall or Mapsource can see it, and has not the problem with the zoom. And Both Basecamp and Mapinstall can then create new IMG with the tiles that I need.

    I still believe there should be an easier way to solve the issue. On one side, GMaptool has, from my standpoint, an issue in the UI, it is creating an unuseful preview map. But I believe there is space to enhance the available tools to do trim/chops mapset IMGs to custom polygons (or at least squared selection) modifying the tile definition. On the other,
    I believe perhaps gmt.exe (from GMaptoo) is able to change zoom of the preview map (that is the problem with the UI). Finally, I believe that I can still find out a command line tool that could fit the bill... But with Maptk I have a workable solution.


    You asked me... TL;DR:

    I have some Nuvis 2595 LMT (for the cars mostly, but from time to time I use one for hiking - not the best but handly) - one can purchase then pre-owned by $30/25€
    Beside I have just ordered a refurbished GPSMAP 66s for hiking and measurements I need to do.

    2595 work nicely for my needs, although short of memory...; no hasle with firmwares and able to handle both pre-NT, pseudo-NT as well as NT IMGs, and Unicode. Accepst whatevername.imgs and not only gmapsupp1 etc. Moreover, being all same model, "maintenance" is easy. done one, cloned all.

    Regarding the maps, I found that they move the maps more faster the smaller they are. Besides, I can avoid using SDs, prone to malfunction and break. Full CN NTU Europe is bigger that 4GBs, so SD is needed. Garmin splits it either in North+South, East+West, by country, etc. On can trigger to install some countries just filling the main memory with dummy files so that only som MB are free, the ones in with the single countries fit in. Germany is much bigger that France much bigger also that Portugal... On the other hand, I enjoy preparing my trips and hikes, so, smaller files behave better on the PC, and many other open+free utilities are able to handle them. From Garmin I use only Basecamp, to find routes in routable maps. I would not say that I am new to IMGs, I would say that I had never used before MapSource (just Basecamp and some exposure to MapInstall). Garmin sw is a jungle. Some read or write only to GPSr. Other only to gmap. Other to registry installed maps. Have character, some are able to install (tiles) to GPSr while others are not and other is ok with USBs (some versions with a device.xml file inside some others do not need that). So, I limit the use of garmin sw to the strictly necessary.

    So, For my needs, I am happy using MapEdit to remove (just for my use) non relevant (for me) features of the maps. For example, human places of less than 100 inhabitants. Garmin maps for example lack good information on city/town inhabitants, OSM is much better. So, at the end I like to prepare small size, customized to my likes, IMGs. MapEdit is a nice and simple enough editor unable to handle big maps, and only outputs mp format. So, one needs to learn how to compile them. Global Mapper, QGis, QMapShack... get very complex. I just need to adjust the maps, not to fully build maps.

    Which OSM maps? Well, I tried several. I am not interested either in learning JOSM to start downloading osm or pdf chunks... So, I started looking to ready made IMGs. And, up to know, I settled for more general use with ComputerTeddy ones. Rich in elements (that I reduce to my likes), but not so harsh as garmin ones. Not yet got to delve into topos and countour lines and overlays. Perhaps most of them would be ok once I learn to create TYPs, but, even so far, I am trying to limit how deep I have to go... or how many hours I wish to enjoy/lose playing with maps.

    Of course, when have no time, take one of the nuvis and inject it with CN or Computerteddy, not modified. After that, factory reset... And for pure car driving, I am really happy with Garmin CT. I keep the IMG for my country only and the SIDs and Junction files of the european area. That works, you do not need to keep the full Europe North to have SIDs/Junctions working - only speech searches are lost but I do not use voice command either.

    So, yes, I could just take one other prepared IMG and go... but I like Computerteddy ones (and it is up to know the only place where I found one prepared for my country) save the view of the rivers, too big and in all zoom levels (but I have already prepared a command line filter that moves it to lower zoom levels only). By the way, I did find in russian forums powerful command line tools to filter mp format, but I am happier with just sed/grep/awk...

    So... thank you for youl help!

    If any one finds a less effort way, information is welcome!

    If/When I find a more efficient way, I will report back.


    Yes, you are right, I have a way!!!

    Last edited by caspertone; 24th June 2021 at 04:57 PM.



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