It's great,thanks!
PTGMAP v1.2.6 (GPS)
by. ImCoding
Last Update: Jan 29, 2007
PTGMAP is a simple software designed for GPS navigation with garmin and polish format vector maps on Pocket PC devices equipped with GPS receiver. It can also be used for editing map objects such as points, polygons, polylines, address items, waypoints, tracks, routes and others.
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Some features:
- Auto Moving / Rotating Map
- Streets and POIs Finder
- Creating and Editing Waypoints and Routes
- Tracks Recording
- Saving Tracks, Waypoints, Routes in *.gdb and *.mps Format
- Creating and Editing Map Objects and AutoRouting Data
- Saving Maps in Polish Format
- Convenient File Browser
- Night View
PTGMAP is now a freeware for everybody who creates their own maps in garmin format and provides them for free on a webpage.
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What's new?
29.01.2007 : build 1.2.6
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- Azimuth navigation. Tap and hold on the screen (in drag-map mode) at the destination point, select "Azimuth Navigation" option. If GPS is active, a straight line will be drawn from your current location to the destination point.
- Improved:
- Larger raster maps can be opened.
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It's great,thanks!