I am new to IGO and am running into a problem.

Chinese EONON D5153 touch screen Stereo, DVD and GPS unit. It is supposed to be running Windows CE.

I have an 8gig Micro SD card which I formatted in Windows on my PC.

I downloaded IGO8 for Windows CE. Unizpped and copied to the SD card.

I downloaded US Maps Buildings and POI Q2 2014. I unzipped, and copied the maps I wanted to the maps folder, buildings to the buildings folder and POI to the POI folder, all on the SD card.

I put the card in the gps and it asks me for the file location. I navigate to the Navi file and select OK. The GPS starts loading then reboots and just cycles. While its doing this, the radio is still playing music. I put the card back in my pc, and clicked the Navi file and it extracted something else, so I copied those files to a clean memory card added the maps and items and it does the same thing.. I thought I saw a tutorial on setting it up, but can't seem to find it now.. Any help would be appreciated.