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  1. #31
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Yeah, yeah... 4's & 8's not much different in price here, no point buying smaller than 8GB imo.

    But what about the 64GB card? Did you try one in your 3xxx??

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  3. #32
    Member dutchbird's Avatar
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    Can I use a Kingston 16Gb class 4 on an Etrex 30?

  4. #33
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by dutchbird View Post
    Can I use a Kingston 16Gb class 4 on an Etrex 30?
    Depends on who you believe:
    The Germans, who say 8GB SDHC: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    The Americans, who say 32GB Standard Speed (what ever that means):
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]Click on the image if you want to enlarge it.

    or me, who says 'just go for it, if you can format a 64GB in FAT32 stick it in and let us know'.

  5. #34
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    Zumo 660 FW 4.50 with Lexar 32GB Class 10 microSD works without problems since 4 weeks.

  6. #35
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    I use an Oegon 300 with a 16 gb card . No problems.

  7. #36
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    The couple of recent posts above reminded me of my musings about size/speed limits for microsd in US1300 and my [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to get Giomen to 'fess up whether he had bought and tried a 64GB card in his 3xxx's. I can confirm that a Sandisk 32GB Class 4 runs as nicely as my RiDATA 16GB Class 10, however, having been unable to get the Asp outta Gioman's pocket, i've sprung about $70 for a Sandisk 64GB microSDXC (Class 6) but i am saddened to find that it won't work in my 1300 even with only a single small map on it. Curiously, it shows up in the diagnostics menu with the CID and correct size indicated. Maybe with future fw upgrades for the 1xxx series it will work...... Anyone tried one with newer devices like 2xxx, 3xxx or even maybe 30/40/50?
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  8. #37
    Navigation software expert Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Giomen wrote: a any SDHC card! SDXC is not for Garmin today!
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  9. #38
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Yes you did say SDHC, and by definition an SDXC (32GB upwards to 2TB) is not an SDHC (maximum 32GB), so i knew that for 1xxx it's sdhc not sdxc. My 'sadness' is quite fake and i was totally unsurprised by 1300 being unable to read the data on it. Thought you would 'catch the irony', Sport! But the fact that it is able to be 'read' on the Data Card Test Page i did not expect and that gives me hope that future fw upgrades will enable 1xxx series to also read the data on sdxc cards.


    So you are saying that Garmin today will not read sdxc cards. But what do you think for the future??
    Last edited by Neil; 10th June 2012 at 02:24 AM.
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  10. #39
    Navigation software expert Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Each Garmin device see all SDНС card, but not all Garmin device can read info from it. And you say what SDXC surprise you?
    I think SDXC require new hardware...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  11. #40
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    Each Garmin device see all SDНС card, but not all Garmin device can read info from it. And you say what SDXC surprise you?
    Well, maybe i shouldn't be surprised that the nuvi can 'see' the sdxc card to 'read' the info on the Data Card Test Page in light of your comment above. But if it can't 'read' exfat how does it see that info? Is that card info hardcoded in some other way?
    I think SDXC require new hardware...
    SDXC can be formatted in fat32 by 3rd party software. Windows' inbuilt tool of course won't allow it with cards/drives above 32GB but that is an artificial limit imposed by M$ and not a practical one. I really don't want to reformat a brand new $70+ card from exfat to fat32 in case i damage it in some way, but my curiosity is this: if it was fat32 would the nuvi then read the data on it or would it choke because of the size of the card.

    So i think maybe your comment should be 'I think exFAT require new hardware...'
    Hint: If you stir me up enough i might just work up the goanies to reformat it!
    Last edited by Neil; 11th June 2012 at 07:43 AM. Reason: typos.
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