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  1. #1
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    help 255W wrong format?

    Help! I've unknowingly formatted my Nuvi255W in FAT32 and now unit is now working. With a SD card installed, the unit will boot but a message appears which states that the map cannot be found. Without the card installed, it starts to the GARMIN screen and then repeats the process. Also my PC does NOT display the unit's drive. No, I dont have a backup. Yes I'v read the cure. Took it to the Garmin agent and was told that they are unable to help. Thanks for your help

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. 255W wrong format?
    255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?
    Neil's Avatar
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    The built-in Windows formatter and some other formatting tools don't format exactly like a factory FAT32 format. Remove the SD card. Format the 255W correctly in FAT32 using RMUSBPrep: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Your unit isn't bricked if you've only formatted it incorrectly, so you shouldn't need cure firmware. After the format, check it can be seen in Windows and then create a root folder named Garmin. Safely disconnect from PC, boot it and then connect to GarminExpress or WebUpdater & MapUpdater to replace missing files and maps. You'll have to manually add a [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
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  4. #3
    GPSPower Helper 255W wrong format?
    255W wrong format?
    dasilvarsa's Avatar
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    Garmincure 3 and RMPREPUSB
    Actually the unit is semi bricked (not seeing the internal flash in windows.)
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  5. #4
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. 255W wrong format?
    255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?255W wrong format?
    Neil's Avatar
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    I agree, provided the unit cannot be seen by and reformatted with RMPrepUSB that it's 'semi bricked'. The unit boots with an SD card inserted which indicates it's not bricked, but loading Cure3 fw before reformat and then original fw wouldn't hurt anyway but should only be necessary if RMPrepUSB can't recognise it. I've had a nuvi 265W display the same symptoms and it only needed to be correctly formatted.
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