Hello all,

I have several problem with my Nuvi 660 Euro. Nuvi was bricked before with my friend, and I do not know what he did. Last thing what happened me, was flashing Cure firmware maked from latest Nuvi 660 - 4.90 firmware - result OK. Next step was formating internal flash in Win7. But formating was interrupted and Nuvi totally not working.

I have tried a lot of things, but no one helped. Nuvi stuck on Garmin logo screen. Only preboot mode working. Only possible is flash boot.bin. Fw_all.bin is impossible to flash. I have tested update.txt with modified boot.bin and it is working.

Unit ID get from updater.exe is different to UID and HWID get from update.txt script.

Information from update.txt script:
nüvi 660 Software Version 4.90, UID: hidden , HWID: hidden
Parsing "ergn,14"
Parsing "reboot"

nüvi 660 Software Version 4.90, UID: 4294967295, HWID: 1746147337
Parsing "ergn,"
Parsing "reboot"

I have tried command above, but get error and different UID / HWID.

Can you help me?