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  1. #231
    GPSPower Helper Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
    Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490

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    Quote Originally Posted by aekhong View Post
    I think logo is not a cause of problem.
    (Why didnt you flash with original 34xx fw? )
    Because I believe that with the original boot.ini of 3790, i.e., with the correct drivers for this hardware, it is more likely to resolve or improve accuracy of gps and this is one reason that makes me insist on this path, despite the unquestioned facilitade in flashing the firmware with the full fw of 3490 and your boot.ini, that is appropriate to another hardware (3490).

    Will someone with more technical knowledge would answer one of these questions:

    1. In a situation any if previously erase the Logo, we can install a firmware that is usually installed, the gps can boot?

    2. If the flashing is feasible with older firmware, a old boot.ini of 3790 with modern fw_all of 3490, both with hwid mod to 1376, could result in killing the gps?

    Last edited by angelozip; 3rd April 2013 at 03:58 PM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

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  3. #232
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
    Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
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    Angelo, my knowledge of fw is only basic as you know, but if original 37xx boot and 34xx fw_all gives boot loop as hwid 1101 why would an override to 1376 overcome that? Sound a bit risky maybe?
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  4. #233
    GPSPower Helper Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
    Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490

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    Neil, if I well understand what you said, ie, because changing the original 37xxboot.in + 34xx_fw_all to 1376 HWID, so I answer: why with 1101 not works. By the way, as I said earlier, it did not work with HWID 1376 too, unfortunately (I tested all combinations, minus the question 2 of the my previous post). It is very curious that the 3490 full firmware (boot.ini+fw_all) runs on hardware of 3790 and the combinations of original boot.ini of 3790 not work with fw_all of 3490. Would like to know why, but it seems that this issue is not more interest to most..
    Last edited by angelozip; 4th April 2013 at 04:38 AM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

  5. #234
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
    Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
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    Well, it is of interest to me and also to you i can see . Layman's curiosity in my case but of more serious interest in your case. It's even kind of a fuzzy mystery to me why 37xx won't boot with it's own boot.bin and 34xx's fw_all.bin with HWID overides to 1101, when yet it not only boots but runs with the complete and unaltered 34xx fw. So my simplistic understanding (perhaps totally wrong) is that if the 37xx boot.bin has it's hwid overidden to 1376 combined with unaltered 34xx fw_all.bin, then going by the original hwid 1101 37xx boot.bin result, it still should not boot with the 37xx boot bin in any hwid guise or combination (or maybe worse than not boot), and as you found it doesn't work. I suppose it's all to do with loading addresses not being the same with the two different boot bins. If you find out, and can you explain it in small words - great! If you feel it would be akin to trying to teach a slug to dance the Macarina, then just say 'Have faith my son, and believe.....' i've had to accept such words previously.
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  6. #235
    GPSPower Helper Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
    Convert 3790/3760/3750 to 3490
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    Getting back to the Accuracy Thing.
    My 3490 with constant 3 Meters Accuracy in South Africa only has a 5m Accuracy when I take it to Iberian Peninsula (Spain Portugal).
    But It worked 100% Fine.
    Any Ideas ?
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