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Thread: WorldMap v5.00

  1. #31
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    Yes, I use both v 6.13.7 (Faster map redraw) and v 6.16.3. The later works with gmap or img files.

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  3. #32
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. WorldMap v5.00
    WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00
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    Typo in my previous post, I meant 6.13.7 or earlier, not 6.13.3 of course. But no MS version can work with images, i think you are referring to BaseCamp as working with gmap or img files.
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  4. #33
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    No. MS v 6.16.3 is working on .img files on my win7 computer. I copy the gmap folder (City Navigator North America NT 2013.40.gmap) into the C:/programData/Garmin/Maps folder, and this installs the map in the Mapsource V 6.16.3. To view this map in MS v 6.13.7 I reverse convert the gmap to Drive E:/Garmin, and delete the gmap folder in C:/ProgramData/Garmin/Maps. The .img files in E:/Garmin will work with both Mapsources. To Uninstall the map from Mapsource I use the MapSetToolKit V 1.77, and delete map folder in C: Drive.

  5. #34
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. WorldMap v5.00
    WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00
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    We are taking about two different things here. Generally here when we refer to a *.img file we are referring to the fully compiled image file directly usable in a Garmin device, which is what i mean. BaseCamp can read both locked and unlocked images files of that type, MapSource cannot see them. You are referring to the image components of a MS folder. MapReverseConverter converts current NT gmap folders to the legacy NT type readable by MS v16.13.7 and earlier which can't read the current gmap folders. Later MS versions can read both types of folder.

    We were at cross purposes in regard to the term image or .img.
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  6. #35
    Member 555's Avatar
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    Is this any different from world map that comes pre installed on GPSMAP 62 series?

  7. #36
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. WorldMap v5.00
    WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00
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    There is no 'world map' preloaded to the 62. It has a worldwide DEM basemap preloaded only, no detail maps at all as OEM.

    This map is not a basemap and can't replace a basemap. Nor is it a detail map in the full usual sense. It has at the very least basemap detail, with additional info in most parts of the world, and is particularly useful if there is no local 'detail map' coverage in very remote parts of the world. You still need to team it with a basemap for correct use.
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  8. #37
    Member 555's Avatar
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    I don't have intention to replace basemap, my basemap has every country and major road as well as names of cities and some major poi's its called Worldwide DEM Basemap, NR.

    My question is what extra will this world map provide over basemap?

    Is there chance that my basemap is more up to date and if i enable this map then i will see outdated info?
    Last edited by 555; 18th June 2014 at 05:48 AM.

  9. #38
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. WorldMap v5.00
    WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00WorldMap v5.00
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    Quote Originally Posted by 555 View Post
    I don't have intention to replace basemap, my basemap has every country and major road as well as names of cities and some major poi's its called Worldwide DEM Basemap, NR.

    My question is what extra will this world map provide over basemap?

    Is there chance that my basemap is more up to date and if i enable this map then i will see outdated info?
    I certainly wasn't suggesting you replace your basemap with this map, quite the contrary in fact, so maybe you've misunderstood what I said before about how a worldwide basemap compares to this WorldMap. The map loaded as OEM to your GPSMAP62Sc is this map: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or possibly an earlier version depending on when it was produced. Same is also pre-loaded to the majority of Garmin units including auto devices. See my previous post for what this map is for. It's not intended for it to replace a basemap and in fact it can't. It's intended for it to supplement a basemap but not to the extent that a detail map does. Have a look at these explanations: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and catymag's other post here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    This Version 5 of WorldMap was released in August 2010. Version 5.01 Basemap was released in March 2011. The basic data is probably the same [or very close], but the WorldMap will usually have additional info not present in the basemap. What that is is anybody's guess until you compare a given location or area. But at the very minimum the WorldMap will have basemap level detail at any given spot and almost certainly will have more than the basemap.
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  10. #39
    Member 555's Avatar
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    Okay thanks for clarification. My device already came with latest firmware so probably it has 5.01 basemap.

    So far i found no difference for detail level of Los Angeles at least downtown.

    But its good to have this map installed if i want to turn off DEM for world view its faster to enable this map than disable DEM device settings,
    And then if i zoom on region i need i can see detailed DEM data from dedicated TOPO product.
    Last edited by 555; 19th June 2014 at 11:41 AM.

  11. #40


    Please seed garmin woldmap torrent 5 thanks



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