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  1. #31

    Default My experience, no matter what others say: Garmin is the best, Fu... the rest

    Quote Originally Posted by beto_nl View Post
    Worked like a charm in Rio
    Didnt try other states

    Lost my 5800 in Brazil...

    Got me a galaxy s i9000 with Android

    There is no Garmin for Android yet???
    Hi, I have had a similar experience, and I have used my phones or navigators in three continents already. The great virtue of Garmin / Mapsource maps is that you will find at least one for any given country. I did not know this when I started, I do now. Even a regular to bad map is better than no map when you need it.

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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MVM62 View Post
    Hi, I have had a similar experience, and I have used my phones or navigators in three continents already. The great virtue of Garmin / Mapsource maps is that you will find at least one for any given country. I did not know this when I started, I do now. Even a regular to bad map is better than no map when you need it.
    Yep...but no Garmin for Android OS yet...
    But.... Nav n' Go with its iGo variations kicks it as well

    Motonav will do till garmin is ready for Android....

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  4. #33
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    Hi everyone. Need some help here !!! I live in Argentina and just buyed this NUVI 1310. I'd really like to know how to install this Brazil map in my divice. I never did this before so i have no idea how to do it.
    Is there any chance that someone help me step by step installing it.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

  5. #34

    Thumbs up ........

    Is very easy hermano...
    This map (2011.10) is outdated ...

    The latest map is this: City Navigator Brazil 2011.40

    How to install?

    The simplest method is to download the file gmapsupp.img (unlocked) and put it into the Map folder on your sdcard ...
    If this folder does not exist, you must create it...



    Download file unlocked:

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    the file is compressed ... and requires the password!
    The password is: huntsman

  6. #35
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    Hi Marcio !! Well, I downloaded , installed and ran the file. Everything seems fine. The country (Brazil) has been located on the GPS, and I could find cities, streets and everything. But there is no map. The screen is blue. The voice on the GPS guide u perfectly and even the streets names are there. But there is no map, no streets, no avenues, just names on a the blue screen. Have I done something wrong ? Need to install something else ? Brigado !!!

  7. #36


    Hello Marcio,

    I did exactly what you said but created the Map folder in the device's internal memory instead of a SD card, which I don't have. Anyway, the map is installed and showing in the GPS map selection! I bought the GPS today (Nuvi 1300) but when I get back to Brasil I let everyone here know if it works and I totally think it will.

    Thanks for the help camarada!

  8. #37


    I downloaded version MapSource version but I could not install.
    installation, after the program asks to turn on the GPS and connect it to my PC, asks for a product key.

    Where do I find this key?

    I heave a GPSMAP 60CSx

    And I execute setup.exe in windows folder.

  9. #38
    Important User Garmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMG
    Garmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMG
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    Quote Originally Posted by yuriebc View Post
    I downloaded version MapSource version but I could not install.
    installation, after the program asks to turn on the GPS and connect it to my PC, asks for a product key.

    Where do I find this key?

    I heave a GPSMAP 60CSx

    And I execute setup.exe in windows folder.
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #39


    tanks, but it is not this code.
    i need the product code for city navigator instalation, not for map unlock

  11. #40
    Important User Garmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMG
    Garmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMGGarmin City Navigator Brazil NT 2011.10 - MapSource+IMG
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    follow instructions in post 1
    Run CNBZNT2011_10Update_ENU in IMG folder
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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