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  1. #1

    Default Trouble unlocking maps

    Hi everyone,

    I've been trying to upload some downloaded maps to map source and I'm having some problems.

    Before going out and buy a sd card I want to try making this work. Also cause I prefer having several maps in mapsource instead of being able of having just two, one in the gps memory and another in SD.

    I need to install maps from all asia, russia, china, middle east and north africa. I already have most of them and after using GMapTool to extract the .dmg they all appear as locked in Mapsource, even if in pirate bay they were all unlocked.

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    I already installed both the UnLock Map Directory.exe and the Garmin_kgen_1.5_Fix (key generator), and neither had success. With the last one I managed to unlock the region in Mapsource but nothing happenned anyway.

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    Sorry the pictures are in portuguese, but I couldn't find a way to put it in english. Anyway I think you can get the ideia.

    So does anyone here can give me a hand? Am I doing something wrong? Maybe it's garmin that already blocked the access to this maps. I'm lost and I really need your help.


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  3. #2
    Important User Trouble unlocking maps
    Trouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking mapsTrouble unlocking maps
    catymag's Avatar
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    All the maps in the first pic are unlocked (Unlockable)in MS, probably you run on them an unlocker.
    Jetmouse is useless with maps with FID greater than 2200.
    UnLock Map Directory is ok ,but it doesnt require installation at all, just run it into gmap or Family folder.
    Patch MS to send IMGs to your any hd, or send to Nuvi without patching.
    All the infos you need are [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Not sure what did you download elsewhere
    May be take a look here too before posting , usually this index contains replies to everything
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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