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  1. #1
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    ? City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6

    a) What's the difference between City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6?

    b) Can I install both City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6 together?

    I have City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6 and MSM 2012 NT 5.53 installed and it works fine.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6
    City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6City Navigator Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 vs City Navigator Southeast Asia NT 7.6
    Neil's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
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    Both those maps (CN Singapore Malaysia NT 2011.40 & CN Southeast Asia NT 7.6) are about 1 year old. There are new versions available:
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    As far as comparision of the two, well, have a look for yourself. If you mean coverage, that's rather self-explanatory. Full details of coverage for SEA in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] of the map thread.

    You can install both maps, but don't select them both together in your unit because of overlapping areas. You may get away with it but it's just better not to take the chance of problems.

    Best not to open new threads for info that can be easily found or asked elsewhere in existing threads.
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