k, here's the deal. I have 2 codes for Navteq. One is the default from Garmin that came with the Nuvi device for lifetime (ad supported traffic). The other is the one with no Ads. I also have the TTN (clear channel) that I used with jetmouse.

The TTN is the default in my area but it blows. I really dont want to use it. When I was Vegas recently, the stronger channel was Navteq but ads were shown. In my case the the ad version is overiding the non ad and three codes appear on the Nuvi traffic logs.

maybe I entered an invalid navteq code? i thought i read somewhere that there are two different navteq keys as there are ttn keys. Apparently 28935 for NAVTEQ will not turn off the advertisements so there appears to be a different code to enable NAVTEQ and disable ads?

any way of removing TTN?