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  1. #1
    Member solo_voyager's Avatar
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    Default Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???

    My gal friend has a NUVI 255W.
    It is at least 4 years old.
    The "lady" inside of it gets very confused sometimes.
    Especially when there has been new road construction since the original maps were installed.
    I'm not finding the threads that give me specific information on how to update her maps.
    I'm guessing that City Navigator NA will do the job.
    But, that is just a guess.

    Can anyone point me to the threads that tell me how to update the maps in the NUVI 255W in such a way that the "lady" inside the GPS can give correct vocal instructions for navigating around North America?

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
    Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
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    Just talk very quietly and nicely to her. You do that thru the USB port to tell her what you want. Don't shout, because it's like being inside a drum in there and you'll maybe deafen her [not to mention p*ss her off big time].

    Seriously champ, all you need to know is in the [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Start with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. But before you do anything, back up your favourites and other files and hard reset it. Update the firmware with WebUpdater, Garmin Express or use MyDashboard at the Garmin site, then reset it again: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    Post in the existing threads for further help if you need to. Or ask in here, but only if you're terminally confused ...... Or just update the galfriend to one with an up-to-date nuvi ....Say whaaat?
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  4. #3
    Member solo_voyager's Avatar
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    After making my original post I told my galfriend that I could update the maps on her NUVI.
    She balked as she was afraid she might "lose" her GPS in the process.
    So, I shelved my plans to update it.
    After being misdirected a few times with the ensuing confusion, she had finally commissioned me to update the maps on her GPS.
    She delivered it to me and it has been sitting next to my PC for a couple of weeks now.
    I think she means it this time.

    Sometimes I think about updating her to a newer model.
    But, we've been together off and on for over 20 years now.
    I can't help but to think of her as being my best friend, despite her minor failings.
    I'm hooked.

    OK, I have made a backup of her favorites and the existing map set.
    I have updated the firmware, voice and software via Garmin Express.
    I have an unlocked copy of City Navigator North America NT 2015 in the form of gmapprom.img.
    I believe I am ready to install it into her GPS.
    The existing gmapprom.img file on her GPS is 1.09GB.
    There is only 514MB of free space on her GPS.
    The replacement file is 2.16GB.
    If I delete the existing file there still won't be enough room for the new file.

    My thought is to copy the new map set onto a 4GB SD card, erase the old file, then, install the card with the new map set.

    Is this a viable plan?
    Last edited by solo_voyager; 6th July 2014 at 08:45 AM.

  5. #4
    GPSPower Helper Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
    Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
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    Quote Originally Posted by solo_voyager View Post
    After making my original post I told my galfriend that I could update the maps on her NUVI.
    She balked as she was afraid she might "lose" her GPS in the process.
    So, I shelved my plans to update it.
    After being misdirected a few times with the ensuing confusion, she had finally commissioned me to update the maps on her GPS.
    She delivered it to me and it has been sitting next to my PC for a couple of weeks now.
    I think she means it this time.

    Sometimes I think about updating her to a newer model.
    But, we've been together off and on for over 20 years now.
    I can't help but to think of her as being my best friend, despite her minor failings.
    I'm hooked.

    OK, I have made a backup of her favorites and the existing map set.
    I have updated the firmware, voice and software via Garmin Express.
    I have an unlocked copy of City Navigator North America NT 2015 in the form of gmapprom.img.
    I believe I am ready to install it into her GPS.
    The existing gmapprom.img file on her GPS is 1.09GB.
    There is only 514MB of free space on her GPS.
    The replacement file is 2.16GB.
    If I delete the existing file there still won't be enough room for the new file.

    My thought is to copy the new map set onto a 4GB SD card, erase the old file, then, install the card with the new map set.

    Is this a viable plan?
    YES! You Can Do THAT
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    Albert Einstein.

  6. #5
    Member solo_voyager's Avatar
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    I had forgotten to add that I had also done a hard reset.

    But, that's not why I came back.
    One more thing needs to be done before City Navigator North America NT 2015.10 can be used in the NUVI 255W.
    The new gmapprom.img file on the SD card must be in a folder named: Garmin, then rename the file to gmapsupp.img.
    And, the old gmapprom.img must be left on the GPS.

    The new map set is now loaded and recognized by the GPS.
    It is yet to be road tested.
    But, I have faith that all is well and it will work as expected.
    Thanks for the help.
    When M'Lady gets back she'll be happy.
    That makes my life much easier.

  7. #6
    Important User Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
    Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
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    Quote Originally Posted by solo_voyager View Post
    And, the old gmapprom.img must be left on the GPS.
    If it's an old CNNAM you have to remove it or the lady inside will get mixed up. Backup it first on pc.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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  8. #7
    Member solo_voyager's Avatar
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    I had placed the new gmapprom.img file into the Garmin folder on the SD card, but had deleted the old gmapprom.img on the GPS.
    The GPS said that there were no maps installed.
    So, I put the old gmapprom.img back onto the GPS.
    I told me that CNNAM 2010.10 was the issue installed.
    I went looking and found that the new gmapprom.img had to be renamed to gmapsupp.img.
    After doing so, the GPS said that CNNAM 2015.10 was the issue installed.
    I just assumed the old gmapprom.img had to be installed also.

    What you said makes sense.
    So, I deleted the old gmapprom.img again.
    The GPS still ID's the issue as CNNAM 2015.10.
    I think she is up and running now.
    And now, the lady in the GPS has up to date information to work with.

    Thanks to all three of you for your help with getting this done.
    M'Lady will be happy.
    When she's happy my life is much easier.
    Last edited by solo_voyager; 7th July 2014 at 07:41 AM.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by solo_voyager View Post
    I had placed the new gmapprom.img file into the Garmin folder on the SD card, but had deleted the old gmapprom.img on the GPS.
    The GPS said that there were no maps installed.
    So, I put the old gmapprom.img back onto the GPS.
    I told me that CNNAM 2010.10 was the issue installed.
    I went looking and found that the new gmapprom.img had to be renamed to gmapsupp.img.
    After doing so, the GPS said that CNNAM 2015.10 was the issue installed.
    I just assumed the old gmapprom.img had to be installed also.

    What you said makes sense.
    So, I deleted the old gmapprom.img again.
    The GPS still ID's the issue as CNNAM 2015.10.
    I think she is up and running now.
    And now, the lady in the GPS has up to date information to work with.

    Thanks to all three of you for your help with getting this done.
    M'Lady will be happy.
    When she's happy my life is much easier.
    Hi there
    I have the same Nuvi 255W.Couple years ago I have tried to update the map but I have some issue with IMG file.I remember that the file was over 2GB and this model does not support it.My question is....if I update with the latest firmware can I use IMG fiels over 2GB in external SD Card?

  10. #9
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
    Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???Updating a 4 year old NUVI 255W ???
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    Yes you can. Update your fw [v7.60 is latest]. I think v7.50 allowed for use of image >4GiB on SD and v7.60 adds support for second map on SD named gmapsup1.img also.
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  11. #10
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    I also own similar old models, to stay under the 2 GB limit I deselected some countries that I will never travel to.
    So it was never a problem to stay under 2 GB.




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