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  1. #1
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    Default My Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screens

    Help needed here
    On a recent trip to Cape York, the Nuvi took a nose dive.
    it became very instable
    Average temp just 30c,

    Would it be the micro SD Card ?

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. My Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screens
    My Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screensMy Nuvi 1490 keeps shuffling between screens
    Neil's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
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    What exactly do you mean by 'the Nuvi took a nose dive. it became very instable'?

    If you get any strange behaviour often a hard reset or clearing non-volatile memory will correct it. If you are still having problems post with complete details of what's happening.
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