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  1. #21


    I've just reinstalled OS and all other SW on my computer, from XP to Win7 -64. Some of the maps have 4 different reg-files, and these maps works great on 64-bit.
    But those I use most, have only one reg-file, and doesn't work at all.
    Maps are there they need to be, the fam_13xx.reg have been runed, and still, no maps from this folders is active...

    Any suggestions how to fix this?

    BTW: All my maps is topo_adventure

    Edit; got it to work by editing the .reg-file.
    Last edited by kvakkern; 23rd April 2011 at 04:31 PM. Reason: Problem solved

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kvakkern View Post

    Edit; got it to work by editing the .reg-file.
    Can you please share you´re knowledge with rest of us..?

  4. #23


    Some advise to those of you that try to load all 20 maps on a GPS (Etrex, Oregon, 60/62 etc.):

    There is a limit to the amount of maps (different FID's) that can be used, on my 62s the limit is 16 maps (basemap included) and that's for internal memory + SD card. So you can only load 15 of these maps, the 16th map won't be dispalyed in the map-setup menu and is not loaded. If you really need all 20 maps just use 2 SD cards.

  5. #24
    Navigation software expert Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
    Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mapperoni View Post
    There is a limit to the amount of maps (different FID's) that can be used, on my 62s the limit is 16 maps (basemap included) and that's for internal memory + SD card.
    I think it more depend on amount of total subfile in all maps. All Garmin have different limit for total subfile amount. NT format is more progressive in aspect of size ratio. But this maps is in old format and I am remember what there was special utility to merging small map to more big for decrease maps segment quantity.

  6. #25
    Important User Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
    Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    I think it more depend on amount of total subfile in all maps. All Garmin have different limit for total subfile amount. NT format is more progressive in aspect of size ratio. But this maps is in old format and I am remember what there was special utility to merging small map to more big for decrease maps segment quantity.
    read [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] post 21
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  7. #26


    The 16 map limit on an 62s (and probably on Oregons too) is a limit that has nothing to do with reaching the max amount of map-tiles (~4000) for those units. I have several 8GB cards that contain many EU topo maps + some small area maps. On all cards I am far under the 4000 map-tile limit, as soon as I add a 17th map this map gets ignored as I explained above.

    The problem here is NOT the same as the USA Topo problem and you can't solve it by merging map tiles as rwsmith described. If you want to use 20 FID's on a GPS you'll have to merge the maps in one img with the same FID and only one TYP file! Remember that Topo Norway has 20 different FID's and they all have a dedicated TYP file (probably all the same but with a different FID).
    Merging Topo maps of different countries is out of the question because they all have their own dedicated TYP file. The lack of a good TYP standardisation is a barrier here.

    A year ago I've tried to make a complete Topo Norway map with MapSetToolkit, it looks very nice in Mapsource but when creating a mapset for the GPS I am getting the famous error, saying there is not enough space for the mapset. Normally this error indicates there is one or more corrupt maps inside the mapset or the tdb file doesn't match. Maybe you can join them with GmapTool.
    Last edited by Mapperoni; 17th May 2011 at 09:06 AM.

  8. #27


    I created a gmapsupp.img containing all Topo Norway Adventure maps with only one FID (1367) and an adapted TYP file that makes the map look better on older devices like the 60CSx and Etrex models. On modern units this is better too.

    - adapted typ with white background and 1px grey contourlines.
    - entire Norway Topo usable on GPS (because it has only one FID).
    - img can be opened in Basecamp to see entire Topo Norway.
    - autorouting and search function is gone.
    - tested on 60CSx and 62s.

    Download links ( 1.03 GB in total):
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    Last edited by catymag; 12th June 2013 at 03:57 PM. Reason: reuploaded

  9. #28
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    Norway Topo Pro separate CDs

    LINKS IS DEAD! -.-

  10. #29
    Important User Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
    Garmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure mapsGarmin Norway Topo Pro & Topo adventure maps
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    Quote Originally Posted by imetyrav2rdjas View Post
    Norway Topo Pro separate CDs

    LINKS IS DEAD! -.-
    separeted CDs links renewed
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #30



    What is difference between Topo Pro and Topo Adventure?



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