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  1. #1
    Important User Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    catymag's Avatar
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    free Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs

    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs

    Maps updates in post n 14


    ID: 20050001 corvo.img
    Version: 2.3a

    First appearance: 06/2005
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 100%
    Waters and rivers 90%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation 70%
    Airport 100%
    Stations 100%
    Bus stops --
    Churches, cemeteries, 100%
    Viewpoints 100%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 80%
    Highway bridges --
    Harbor 100%
    Beaches 90%
    Beacon 80%
    Accommodations --
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 30%
    Shops --
    Pharmacies --
    Banks 50%
    cultural institutions --
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 50%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    ID: 20050006 faial.img
    Version: 1.5a

    First appearance: 12/2005
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 60%
    Waters and rivers 50%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation --
    Airport 100%
    Stations 60%
    Bus stops --
    Churches, cemeteries, 100%
    Viewpoints 60%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 80%
    30% of road bridges
    Port 60%
    Beaches 60%
    Beacon 70%
    Lodging 30%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 30%
    Shops 20%
    Pharmacies --
    Banks --
    cultural institutions --
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 50%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    ID: 20050002 flores.img
    Version: 1.9a

    First appearance: 06/2005
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 60%
    Waters and rivers --
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation --
    Airport 100%
    Stations 50%
    Bus stops --
    Churches, cemeteries, 100%
    Viewpoints 50%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 80%
    Road bridges 20%
    Port 60%
    Beaches 40%
    Beacon 80%
    Lodging 20%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 30%
    Shops --
    Pharmacies --
    Banks 20%
    cultural institutions --
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 50%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    ID: 20050003 graciosa.img
    Version: 3.1a

    First appearance: 05/2005
    Last revised: 01/2010

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 80%
    Turismo trails 100%
    Waters and rivers 90%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation 80%
    Airport 100%
    Stations 100%
    Bus stops 60%
    Churches, cemeteries, 90%
    Viewpoints 100%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 90%
    Highway bridges --
    Port 90%
    Beaches 90%
    Beacon 90%
    Lodging 80%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 70%
    Shops 60%
    Pharmacy 60%
    Banks 80%
    Cultural Facilities 40%
    public facilities 50%
    Sports facilities 70%
    Wells, water 70%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    ID: 20060002 pico.img
    Version: 1.2a

    First appearance: 04/2006
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 50%
    Waters and rivers 10%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation --
    Airport 100%
    Stations 50%
    Bus stops --
    Churches, cemeteries, 100%
    Viewpoints 50%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 80%
    Highway bridges --
    Port 60%
    Beaches 30%
    Beacon 80%
    Lodging 20%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 20%
    Shops --
    Pharmacies --
    Banks --
    cultural institutions --
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 50%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Santa Maria:

    ID: 20050004 santamaria.img
    Version: 3.0a

    First appearance: 05/2005
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 85%
    Turismo trails 100%
    Waters and rivers 95%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation 70%
    Airport 100%
    Stations 100%
    Bus stops 80%
    Churches, cemeteries, 95%
    Viewpoints 100%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 90%
    40% of road bridges
    Harbor 100%
    Beaches 90%
    Beacon 95%
    Lodging 80%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 80%
    Shops 70%
    Pharmacy 90%
    Banks 90%
    Cultural Institutions 60%
    public facilities 60%
    Sports facilities 80%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 90%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Sao Jorge

    ID: 20060001 saojorge.img
    Version: 3.0a

    First appearance: 02/2006
    Last revised: 02/2010

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 90%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 100%
    Waters and rivers --
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation --
    Airport 100%
    Stations 80%
    Bus stops 20%
    Churches, cemeteries, 70%
    Viewpoints 80%
    Power lines, transformer stations 60%
    Road bridges 20%
    Port 70%
    Beaches 40%
    Beacon 60%
    Lodging 70%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 60%
    Shops 50%
    Pharmacy 40%
    Banks 50%
    cultural institutions --
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 60%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 40

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Sao Miguel:

    ID: 20050005 saomiguel.img
    Version: 2.2b

    First appearance: 10/2005
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands, 95%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 40%
    Waters and rivers 95%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation 90%
    Airport 100%
    Stations 80%
    Bus stops 60%
    Churches, cemeteries, 95%
    Viewpoints 80%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 90%
    Road bridges 60%
    Port 80%
    Beaches 80%
    Beacon 90%
    Lodging 60%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 50%
    Shops 50%
    Pharmacy 60%
    Banks 60%
    Cultural Institutions 30%
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 80%
    Wells, water 80%
    Radio masts 80%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    ID: 20060003 terceira.img
    Version: 1.2b

    First appearance: 12/2006
    Last revised: 09/2009

    Collected data: coverage:
    Coastline and islands 100%
    Roads and infrastructure 95%
    Footpaths 70%
    Turismo trails 40%
    Waters and rivers 5%
    Contours PRO version
    Höhenmeßpunkte PRO version
    Vegetation --
    Airport 100%
    Stations 50%
    Bus stops --
    Churches, cemeteries, 95%
    Viewpoints 60%
    Power lines, transformer stations, 80%
    40% of road bridges
    Port 70%
    Beaches 50%
    Beacon 60%
    Lodging 20%
    Restaurants, cafes, bars 20%
    Shops 20%
    Pharmacy 20%
    Banks 20%
    Cultural Facilities 10%
    public facilities 40%
    Sports facilities 50%
    Wells, water 60%
    Radio masts 70%

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    image unlocked --- all maps
    copy to a garmin directory
    pick one
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Last edited by catymag; 15th February 2010 at 09:07 PM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  2.    Advertissements

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    Tnx, can you search for locations on it and is it routable too?
    cheers xatnep

    So you can not xfer to Mapsource with >gmaptool -S xxx.img as there is no Family id avail in the maps, hence creating TBD file is aborted. Any fix avail?
    cheers xatnep
    Last edited by catymag; 16th February 2010 at 02:34 AM.

  4. #3
    Navigation software expert Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Giomen's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
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    Tnx! But link on Corvo ID: 20050001 corvo.img not work for me...

  5. #4
    Important User Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    catymag's Avatar
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    Corvo megaupload link works
    anyway here a mirror
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    Quote Originally Posted by xatnep View Post
    So you can not xfer to Mapsource with >gmaptool -S xxx.img as there is no Family id avail in the maps, hence creating TBD file is aborted. Any fix avail?
    cheers xatnep
    these above are unlocked IMGs put them directly in your device garmin directory
    Last edited by catymag; 20th May 2012 at 01:35 AM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    @catymag, thanks for the advice, when checking out the CN EU NT2010.30 I realised that there is already good coverage for the Azores already for Mapsource usage.

  7. #6
    Master Ed_slv's Avatar
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    It seems that a DEM map of Azores is beeing prepared by TopoLusitania team.
    See here:

  8. #7
    Important User Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    catymag's Avatar
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    you'll find it on forum
    look at the Garmin maps index
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #8
    Important User Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    Garmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGsGarmin Azores islands maps--IMGs
    catymag's Avatar
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    Default azores updated cards 2012

    Some maps have been updated


    ID: 20050001 - corvo.img
    Version: 5.2c
    Last update: 03/2012


    ID: 20050002 - flores.img
    Version: 5.2b
    Last update: 03/2012


    ID: 20050003 - graciosa.img
    Version: 5.2b
    Last update: 03/2012


    ID: 20060001 - pico.img
    Version: 5.1b
    Last update: 03/2012

    Santa Maria:

    ID: 20050004 - santamaria.img
    Version: 5.2b
    Last update: 03/2012


    ID: 20050006 - faial.img
    Version: 5.2b
    Last update: 03/2012

    Sao Jorge:

    ID: 20060001 - saojorge.img
    Version: 5.1b
    Last update: 03/2012


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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by catymag; 20th May 2012 at 01:28 AM. Reason: updated
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #9


    Why Pico and São Jorge Island does not work i've got the map but when i click on a icon e doesn't tell me the name. Help please???

  11. #10


    the icon can be a hospital a restaurant i've got a garmin 10 dakota and the others island works fine



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