And Tomtom Amigo too.
Seeing that everyone likes to read.
Users should take the time to read this info in regards to AAAD before you even attempt to try this.
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
I am not saying it will not work for you but.
Compatibility issues
Android 7.x / 8.x - Working on a fix
Oppo/Realme devices - Working on a fix
Android Auto 6.4+ and Android 11 - No fix for this. Follow instructions on how to rollback to a working versionNotes
Android Auto Apps Downloader does not grant in any way that the provided apps available for installing will actually work on Android Auto. The installing method can fail anytime if Google applies changes to Android Auto. Any software installed by Android Auto Apps Downloader is provided "as it is" and no support can be given by me for malfunctioning apps or malfunctioning Android Auto.
So please take your time and read all the info........
I find TomTom NDS app is good just the way it is.....
You really need AA then use a GPS app that is setup for it.........
Last edited by asprin624; 27th May 2021 at 07:48 AM.
Hi, any option to enable choice type of vehicle?
Wysłane z mojego SM-N975F przy użyciu Tapatalka
Ask TomTom
Use older, MOD version.
Modded version NDS I have on tablet - 150 000 kilometers on Europe without any problemsVersion 3.1 got few great updates - voice search etc. On tablet with 10' TomTom looks and work great.
Spoiler: images
Wysłane z mojego Lenovo TB-X304L przy użyciu Tapatalka
Last edited by Boki; 10th June 2021 at 11:27 AM. Reason: spoiler!, approved
Any chance for link to source or APK?
Last edited by Boki; 10th June 2021 at 09:07 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary quote
@genziutek writing about MOD in NDS 3.1.0 topic.
So I'm expecting modded 3.1.0 version.
Really 😉
Don't expect it...
until further...
Last edited by Boki; 14th June 2021 at 09:32 AM. Reason: approved