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  1. #61


    EPE v5.15 now displays the circle list on the map in the POI Edit window along with the proximity circle.

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    The next step is to be able to drag the circles or create the circles by clicking directly on the map.

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  3. #62
    Navigation software expert Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
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    For what is exactly the tolerance? The area around the POI which is triggered?
    And how can I add Voice files that they corresponded with the alarm?

  4. #63


    The tolerance is for the bearing angle. It gives a +/- angle compared to the bearing angle. For example, you want to trigger an alert if the driver comes from an angle og 120 degrees +/- 30 degrees. The tolerance will be 30.

    Note: bearing angles are not implemented yet in any GPS...

    EPE does not support audio alert yet, but I guess you will only have to specify a link to an MP3 or WAV file in the Link field.

  5. #64


    Here's EPE v5.16:

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    What's new:

    In the POI edit window, you can:

    1- Add a circle by right clicking on the map at the desired location. It will add a circle of 50m (164 feet) at this location.

    2- You can move any circle on the map using its central marker.

    3- Use the Grab button in the Circle List group to grab any new circle coordinates or circle that changed location

    4- Click on any row in the Circle List table to highlight the selected circle in red on the map. If you move it on the map, it will become green again. It is ok. It is only intended to provide a feedback of where is each circle on the map so you know which one you are editing.

    5- Normally, this should work fine in both US/Imperial units and Metric units.
    Last edited by turboccc; 8th May 2011 at 08:30 PM.

  6. #65
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    Hi Turbo,
    Awesome work. I'm a tinkerer and not a programer but I tried using your Beta V5.16 last night and I could not get the bearing or angles to work uni directional. I did however get the alerts to work and it would seem that they only work inside your alert circle inside of the proximity point. When prox 400m and your circle 50m ( from same location ) Alerts go of 50m away in both directions. When your circle is 100m alerts go of 100m. Thinking outside the square I reduced the size of your circle and moved it of the road ( still inside Prox ) so that it only covers the lanes going that way. It worked. I then thought that an oblong or rectangle shape would be more appropriate than a circle as the alerts only go off inside your circle inside prox I wanted to make it 400m long but only one lane wide 2.4m or 8 ft. Not being a programer I simple added more circles to form some sort of oblong along the road ( think of laying dollar coins on top of each other slightly offset ) which then got me thinking about Tom1807 post that there are up to four circles on the tollway. Looking at there locations in his post they are offset by a straight line. Tom 1807 will have to confirm as I cant scroll down that pic. But its possibly to give a longer distance whilst not crossing more lanes. All this was done in simulation mode on a 1390. I Ran out of time but will test again as soon as time permits. Can you confirm that you have had directional poi's working and if so what model gps.
    Updates soon Paul
    P.S. I couldn't get the wav to work in the link field yet

  7. #66
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    Mate just fiddling again and I noticed that when on route in simulation mode if I tap the screen again it will take me to an overhead view. This has a circle around the car which I presume triggers the alerts as they go off when it hits the sweet spot. If in simulation mode and trying to set location if you zoom in on the car a couple of times you will find this same circle around the car. Its also possible that alerts will become dependent on accuracy of gps at time of passing alert

  8. #67


    Hi Paul2,

    Thank you for your feedback. You are on the right way with the circles. A few important things:

    1- Bearing and angle alerts are not working on any GPS. Garmin never implemented them although GPI Creator and EPE supports them. EPE will even write them to the .gpi file. In any cases, the GPS will ignore them.

    2- Circles and Proximity: yes, the circles needs to be inside the proximity distance or it will not trigger an alert. The alert appears when the car crosses one of the circles. They are not directional, so make sure to put them on the right side of the road is needed. Do not make them too small otherwise the accuracy of the gps may not trigger an alert. Yes, adding small circles back to back is the way to go.

    3- No, EPE does not support WAV files yet, but it is coming. I have an extra effort to make it happen and I have been delaying this for a while.

  9. #68
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    The way of making circles directinonal:
    Methode 1: Make sure the opposite direction do not come inside the circles.
    Methode 2: The Poi it selfe is a alarm turn of. Put the Poi in the middle of road and the circles on the side you want the alert. If you drive over (staight over) the poi before reaching circles, the alert will be turned of before you reach the alertzone(circles).
    Driving over circles(alertzone) before Poi will give alert.
    The gps use ca 2 sec to turn of alert before reaching circles so dont put the circles closer or pass the poi.
    Last edited by Vestenfjell; 11th May 2011 at 10:46 PM. Reason: Typo

  10. #69
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    Excellent work Vestenfjell,
    Using method 2 is the preferred option as its a lot simpler and easier. Problems with method one resolve around the accuracy issue both of the gps and the google plugin.
    Cant get the bmp to work and noticed that there aren't any camera pics there to choose from. Looking forward to when we can use wav and bmp.

  11. #70


    Yes, Vestenfjell, thanks again for the explanation.You explained that to me elsewhere, but now I get it.

    For the wav files, here's why I am delaying the support for that feature. The short version is "I'm just a bit lazy these days". The long version is:
    1- As opposed to other parameters that are specific to a POI, the audio files may be common to more than one POIs. In each category, you need to make a list of al wav and assign a unique number for each. So, I need to sort everything and make a different wav list for each category. Once a category is written, I need to write all audio files in the proper format.
    2- Some wav files need to be converted with SOX.exe into a valid wav format. I think I already did the link between SOX and EPE. I just need to make sure I called SOX properly with the right parameter set. MP3 can be used "as is" if your GPS supports them.
    3- Then, there are all the possible cases for Tourguide with audio and bmp Links. I need to find out what to do with global icons and audio alerts compared to audio/bmp links.

    Yes. Yes. Not that difficult. You have to understand that there are lots of cases to cover and lots of .gpi to analyze. I guess I should simply do it bit by bit. A little bit would be much better than nothing at all. Please be patient. Just know that those missing features are probably bugging me more than you... So, I am not going to forget. It is good to know people are waiting for them. At least, I will not do this for nothing.



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