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  1. #1
    Member FRCASTRO's Avatar
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    Tool Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM

    I have a Garmin Zumo 390LM GPS that doesn't show the internal memory or the SD card in windows.
    The following tests have already been performed:
    a) USB cable is original and in perfect condition
    b) Garmin USB drivers are in the latest version
    c) Garmin express is in the latest version
    d) Windows 8.1 has all updates installed
    e) Using the same cable and the same PC you can access other Garmin GPS without any problem
    f) I have already loaded a "cure" software and after loading the GPS it was recognized by Windows and new updates of the lifetime maps were made.
    g) After returning the firmware from the last original version (see 4.2) and the GPS started not showing the internal memory units and also the SD card.
    h) I conclude that I have a software problem that does not show the internal memory and SD in windows, because after applying items (f) and (g) I conclude that the hardware is perfect.
    i) I don't have backup of the original files

    Has anyone managed to solve a similar problem?

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  3. #2
    Important User Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
    Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LMWindows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRCASTRO View Post
    f) I have already loaded a "cure" software and after loading the GPS it was recognized by Windows and new updates of the lifetime maps were made.
    g) After returning the firmware from the last original version (see 4.2) and the GPS started not showing the internal memory units and also the SD card.
    Clearly the 'bricking' isn't due to a map IMG file. At this point you need to consider that some other faulty/corrupt file is causing the problem, perhaps a GPI or VPM.

    h) I conclude that I have a software problem that does not show the internal memory and SD in windows, because after applying items (f) and (g) I conclude that the hardware is perfect.
    Indeed, it's likely 'soft bricked' but in the sense that a necessary file needed to be loaded at startup is unreadable. Does the zumo boot fully and operate/navigate normally, and if not does it stick on the splash screen/boot-loop/re-start?

    i) I don't have backup of the original files
    Load [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] again to re-enable Mass Storage Mode and make a backup now. You can then start removing likely files from the device by trial and error. If you can't find the problem that way or you become impatient then re-format but NOT using Windows or Mac built-in tools, use only [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    Has anyone managed to solve a similar problem?
    Garmin devices brick all the time, fortunately they are usually easily un-bricked too.

  4. #3
    Member FRCASTRO's Avatar
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    I performed the formatting using the software you indicated following all the software settings to correct format Zumo. I loaded a cure version and Zumo recognizes USB drives. I installed the original firmware version in a previous version and also in the latest one and Zumo no longer shows the USB drivers from both internal and external memory. I loaded a new file package from backup and it still doesn't show SD drivers from internal and external memory. After formatting the Zumo I loaded the original GCD and without any files in the directories, Zumo works but it doesn't show the SD of the internal and external memory. The only option to show the internal and external memory drivers is with the cure firmware. Any other hint?
    Last edited by FRCASTRO; 13th August 2021 at 11:08 PM.

  5. #4
    Important User Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
    Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LMWindows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
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    It's likely you simply recreated the problem when you used files from the backup after the format. Read my previous reply again, it's very likely one of the Voice or POI files or some other file in the backup is the problem so you need to eliminate them as i suggest before.

  6. #5
    Member FRCASTRO's Avatar
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    I took another package of files from another Zumo 390LM that is working perfectly and replaced all files from the defective Zumo the the defective Zumo still showing the same problem. No USB drive showing in the windows exactly as before.

  7. #6
    Important User Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
    Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LMWindows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
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    So to re-cap: With Cure fw loaded the device and inserted sd card can be seen by a PC but not with normal fw and files loaded.

    Did you hard-reset it (or better still, clear its nonvol memory)? If that doesn't help then re-load the cure fw and format it again using RMPrepUSM. Create an empty folder in the root named Garmin, load original fw again, boot it and then see if it can be seen by PC without any other files loaded (also leave the card out of it for now).

  8. #7
    Member FRCASTRO's Avatar
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    So to re-cap: With Cure fw loaded the device and inserted sd card can be seen by a PC but not with normal fw and files loaded. .................... ====> Yes
    Did you hard-reset it (or better still, clear its nonvol memory)? ........... ====> Yes, using RMPrepUSM
    If that doesn't help then re-load the cure fw and format it again using RMPrepUSM. ..........====> Did it again
    Create an empty folder in the root named Garmin, load original fw again, ........====> Did it again
    boot it and then see if it can be seen by PC without any other files loaded (also leave the card out of it for now). ....... ====> SD Card out, latest original fw, only Garmin folder in the internal memory ..... ===> CAN NOT SEE SD CARD BY THE PC

  9. #8
    Important User Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
    Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LMWindows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRCASTRO View Post
    Did you hard-reset it (or better still, clear its nonvol memory)? ........... ====> Yes, using RMPrepUSM
    RMPRepUSB is solely a re-formatting tool. It erases the visible file system but cannot "reset" the user data where some corruption might be present. Only a hard-reset or clear nonvol can do that. Many weird behaviors can be corrected by resetting. Read: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  10. #9
    Member FRCASTRO's Avatar
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    I had already wiped all data from nonvol and even with that device is still not recognized by windows with the original fw.

  11. #10
    Important User Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
    Windows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LMWindows cannot detect internal and SD memory for Zumo 390LM
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    Something isn't falling into place for me. Cure firmware simply prevents the loading of files essential to the proper normal operation of the device (i.e. map, voice, POI etc. files) and therefore the full boot process isn't completed. I cannot think of any other common software problem capable of causing the PC connection to be lost, that's a symptom universally due to corrupt file/s. Some thoughts:
    • As you summarized in your initial post, a hardware fault doesn't seem at all likely because it can access Mass Storage Mode with cure fw loaded. If hardware was the problem there'd be no MSM access at all. Access only with cure fw indicates a software or file problem generally.
    • After formatting there are no files in it, other than following a complete boot cycle the device self-creates GarminDevice.xml file in the Garmin root folder.
    • Your problem re-occurs regardless of which original firmware version is loaded so it's unlikely to be related to corrupt or buggy fw.

    The only possible conclusion i can make is that the ability to access MSM disappears as a result of the boot cycle completing but not due to a problem with the original (non-cure) fw itself, rather due to some fault in the device loading the firmware.

    Some more questions:
    Have you recently tried to manipulate the firmware e.g. by attempting a cross-flash with a different device's fw?
    Do you have a copy of the device's nonvol memory made before the connection problem started?



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