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  1. #1
    Master Titanic52's Avatar
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    UX map_changer_here_tomtom_osm_Titanic


    Hello friends, this is my map changer iGO NextGen by Titanic
    Tested ux I created for myself, if anyone wants to test and have it, please have fun.

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    Testet WIN CE editions, For Android
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  3. #2
    Master map_changer_here_tomtom_osm_Titanicmap_changer_here_tomtom_osm_Titanic
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    There is a definite flaw in the design of this triple choice:
    each line is assigned the values ​​1, 0, 2 in order, then depending on the selection it is assigned to the group variable "lua.ChangeMapContent"
    but this is defined as a Boolean variable
    MODEL.SET.lua.ChangeMapContent = BOOL_MODEL(true)
    and can therefore only support the values ​​1 and 0, but 2 being of the same effect as 1, it is assigned the value true = 1

    as a result of which TOMTOM and OSM are selected at the same time in the list

  4. #3
    Member + JanDobies's Avatar
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    This is how the map changer is written for two maps, not three, there is an error somewhere in .lua
    Last edited by Boki; 1st October 2024 at 06:33 AM. Reason: removed excessive quote

  5. #4
    Master map_changer_here_tomtom_osm_Titanicmap_changer_here_tomtom_osm_Titanic
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    This message only applies to versions of MapChanger that do not use external directory substitution for the content/map folder as in
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    but use igo's internal switching principle, as attempted in this and related topics.

    I think I found a simple explanation to remember about the reality of how the mapchanger works

    in the Map directory, we have gotten into the habit of placing for each country a mix of maps from various suppliers such as HERE, TOMTOM, OSM, BASARSOFT,....

    I made cross-references on 3 countries (Belgium, Luxembourg and France) with the here and tomtom maps for the first two and OSM in addition for France.

    In the different combinations I alternately selected MODEL.map.prefer_larger_supplierid with the values ​​false and true
    I realized that each time here and tomtom were present for any country: here was associated with false and tomtom with true,
    and for the mapchanger to be possible it was mandatory that one of the countries had at least two suppliers present.

    So I kept the two maps of Belgium then made combinations with here tomtom and osm for France by varying the number from 1 to 3

    it turned out that each time a systematic order resulted in HERE - TOMTOM - OSM in this order,
    for each country igo analyzes the existence of the maps and catalogs them OBLIGATORILY as Map1 - Map2 - Map3 according to the previous order

    so with MODEL.map.prefer_larger_supplierid to false the activated map is the first one that exists for the country (map1), but if it is true it is the second one found (map2), in the absence of a second one it is the first one found that is used if it exists

    for different combinations of maps of any country according to availability, the mapchanger has the effect of selecting:

    - 3 providers:
    Map1(false)-Map2(true)-Map3(not used)

    - 2 providers

    - 1 provider

    - 0 provider

    we cannot therefore reasonably establish a general rule to name false and true by HERE TOMTOM or OSM in mapchanger, because it depends on the maps used for each country, we just have to imagine 3 countries individually having the pairs country1=HERE-TOMTOM , country2=HERE-OSM, country3=TOMTOM-OSM
    by selecting FALSE the active maps would be country1=HERE , country2=HERE, country3=TOMTOM
    by selecting TRUE the active maps would be country1=TOMTOM , country2=OSM, country3=OSM

    It is not possible to choose a provider specifically for each country, the only solution is to use all the maps for 2 providers only at the same time and to be satisfied with naming the providers correctly in mapchanger
    Last edited by lunapark; 6th October 2024 at 01:59 AM.



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