Spoiler: TOYOTA RAV4 Loading screen
Spoiler: TOYOTA RAV4 V2 Loading screen
I replaced some hundreds of our fellow's Pavolino POI icons in his latest original Brand SVG Luna zip file.
200 of the 24200 icons. The rest remained intact.
Just respect to him for his 24K icons work! It needs a lot of time and patience.
I will try to replace few more just for the fun of creating few more different SVG icons.
Spoiler: International
Spoiler: Greek
Last edited by NikonM; 15th November 2023 at 11:10 AM.
Spoiler: Mitsubishi Lancer 2009 Loading screen for iGO Luna skin by Pongo
is there a chance to make a ux or logo (luna-pongos skin) for toyota hilux? or any universal pickup??? thanx in advance
Last edited by lucaskef; 26th January 2025 at 11:52 AM.
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