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Thread: pause button

  1. #11
    Super Moderator pause button
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    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Such questions have already been raised many times in different topics. Many different wishes to have something non-standard in the navigator. For example, it was with the average speed section, the user expressed a desire to turn off the navigator when he visited a gas station and when the navigation would work again, the average speed section was activated, but this is not possible since the section is measured from the start point to the finish point and if the navigator was turned off, then the start point is lost.

    Standardly, the navigator with a route that was not completely passed is turned off, after the gas station the navigator turns on and offers to continue the route or cancel it.

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  3. #12
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    Such questions have already been raised many times in different topics. Many different wishes to have something non-standard in the navigator.

    since your above argument is based on the example of (sectional) radars, we have to make a leap in time at the time when there was only a standard for the display of radars, that of NNG which contained only types 1 to 5, fixed, moving, section, red light, crossing of red light (in the disorder), at first he did not seem to be able to be otherwise, and yet 32 different types were already possible.

    If users had not asked non-standard questions, the variants of this primary base would not have been possible if tinkerers had not practiced experiments outside the NNG standard, which also allows you to be able to offer a range of diversified choices for a non-standard use that would not have been possible without taking into account user preferences and skinners' research.

    Beyond this sterile discussion, I think I can provide a solution that seems to me to be the most realistic without requiring a line of programming or addition in the system configuration.

    just want to hit a pause button so if i go off the trip route looking for gas/food the gps doesn't keep rerouting as its annoying ...
    In order to be able to interrupt the directives that usually ask us to turn around or take another direction to return to the departure route:

    - At the start of the journey, place the destination in the favourites which will allow any circumstances to resort to a new itinerary with a minimum of actions to be taken (personally I prefer to save the itinerary in the igo menus and reload it if necessary on the day of departure, if there are steps and if part of the journey has already been made, the GPS will however propose to redo the route from the current location)

    - it is possible to carry out a search for the poi (gas/food) to which it is absolutely desired to pass and to add it to the route as the next step, so the itinerary will resume its course from then the selected rest area. The manipulations to be carried out will depend on the skins used. This is how it is possible to refine an itinerary by adding steps to force it to pass through certain roads.

    - if the GPS does not stop talking, just cut off the whistle, putting the volume to zero, so it will continue to talk in a vacuum without breaking your ears, and visually the movement on the map will always be possible. Once you get to the supply point you will be happy to appeal again to his good care and I don't think he will blame you for the fact that you ignore it (unlike the passenger who usually held a card on her lap )

  4. #13
    Super Moderator pause button
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    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunapark View Post
    since your above argument is based on the example of (sectional) radars, we have to make a leap in time at the time when there was only a standard for the display of radars, that of NNG which contained only types 1 to 5, fixed, moving, section, red light, crossing of red light (in the disorder), at first he did not seem to be able to be )
    No, this is not some distant time, the request was 2-3 years ago and it was for iGO nextgen Pongo skin, in general this question was for the Pongo maestro. In general, your proposals are far from the question posed, the user wants only one thing - "pause button"

    Off topic
    and also your style reminds me of - str35m, everything is always funny.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 1st February 2025 at 04:43 PM.

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