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  1. #31
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    We have liftoff now! I just recopied your stuff to a fresh copy of PRIMO 2.4 and it is working. However, if I used the SAVE from your setup it cratered, so I kept the original SAVE and it worked. Curious as I can't pick 'compass' as one of my details like I could in the original MC 1.9. Did I miss something? Also I have another question - what is the proper method of making the 'adjustments' that you suggested above without messing something up? Do I unzip and 'rezip' (I have the latest version of ZIP). I really appreciate all of the effort you've spent on this.

    ***EDIT - Well, I got the progress bar 'moved', so I used the same procedure (edit then save and ZIP automatically zip it back) to adjust the info bar. But it gives me 'cannot open the template' so obviously I hosed something. Any ideas on that? If I can fix that and get the compass back in the info bar, I'd be in tall cotton. I wish I knew more about how to fuss with this stuff, but I don't guess there's a 'manual' on what goes where and what does what.
    Last edited by Uncle Phil; 23rd January 2016 at 08:36 PM.

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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    Would I be better to create the sd with the standard PRIMO 2.4 then copy the 800X480 MC stuff you created into it?
    Sorry , didn't think i need to mention this bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    But I've seem to have 'lost' the data details on the bottom of the screen (time, distance, etc.)
    As I Said before you need to delete/rename the "save" folder you have running now and use the one in the download. This is the same "save" folder as the one that was supplied with the original 480_272 skin.

    The reason for this is that the skin has undergone a messy modification and has been crippled on purpose. Displaying the data details and other settings have been set and saved here. Then whoever modified this skin, removed the control of these settings that would normally be available in the original "decent" skin .

    So you need to copy over or replace all the files provided. The font folder will definitely be needed for the data on the info bar.

    Remember that all i have done is resized it to run on 800_480 I haven't changed any of the functional code. all of this monkey business is courtesy of the person who originally modified this skin .

    In my opinion the code in this skin has been left in a right mess. as jtrosky has said, you would be better off using a real "Desent" skin and add the missing functions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    Curious as I can't pick 'compass' as one of my details like I could in the original MC 1.9.
    Not sure which compass you mean as there are two. For the linear compass you probably need this from the sys.txt provided


    As far as I know the info bar and linear compass only becomes visible in the main navigation screen once the gps has a fix.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    if I wanted to do the mods you suggested, I presume that I 'unzip' those zip files that contain the data to be changed, then zip them back (haven't done that yet).
    The method I quite often use is winrar (3.9 or less) open the skin up , double click on the file , open with notepad if not already selected , modify and save.

  4. #33
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    Here's what is interesting - If I use the SAVE folder from the 800X480 download, it comes up as the MC edition then shows a red screen 'PROGRAM LANGUAGE' and hangs. If I use the original PRIMO 2.4 SAVE folder it works. The linear compass like the one in the .rar file you provided was an option to select in the info bar like 'estimated time, distance, etc.'. I'll see if I can get rar downloaded and try that for mods. Using WINZIP, the 'new' template and skin is exactly the same size as the skin you provided. That one still has me puzzled as why PRIMO can't read it. I'd love to take the DECENT skin and mod it if I had a lot better idea of what does what. I develop business software but there are so many parameters in so many places that I can't get it sorted in my feeble brain. ;-)

  5. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    Here's what is interesting - If I use the SAVE folder from the 800X480 download, it comes up as the MC edition then shows a red screen 'PROGRAM LANGUAGE' and hangs.
    are you sure you have the Dutch language file in the lang folder. Once primo is loaded you can change the language to english

  6. #35
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    Well, I just downloaded WINRAR and went through the same edit process that I did with WINZIP and got the same 'cannot open css file'. So there must be something I've missed somewhere. Any ideas?

  7. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    Using WINZIP, the 'new' template and skin is exactly the same size as the skin you provided. That one still has me puzzled as why PRIMO can't read it.
    Don't know about winzip i only use winrar (3.9 or less)

    These files are easy to corrupt . Try and work within the zip file without unpacking.

    Anyway here you go i've done it for you and put the better compass in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Phil View Post
    The linear compass like the one in the .rar file you provided was an option to select in the info bar like 'estimated time, distance, etc.'..
    yep you going to need that sys.txt entry
    Last edited by morco; 12th February 2016 at 08:27 PM.

  8. #37
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    Dont forget post #34 , the language thing

  9. #38
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    Just recopied Lang_Dutch-nl.zip to the CONTENT\LANG folder and also copied the dutch voice to the VOICE folder for grins. The MC 1 9 screen comes up and the progress bar starts and then 'can't open css' file (the one I modified) shows up. I noticed that the fontsize_dec2 parameter does not have a semi-colon after it like all the other parameters (but it didn't in the original). It appears to be when I change the templates.css file it messes it up although I've tried WINZIP and WINRAR (both registered and licensed copies) to edit it. When I click on the skin you provided, WINRAR comes up, I click down until I get to template.css file, open it with notepad, make the changes then save it. Then I copy the modified skin down to the GPS in the CONTENT\SKIN folder. If I view it (via USB to computer) on the GPS, the changes are there and are readable. This one is a bit strange to say the least.

  10. #39
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    You need winRAR 5.0.1 or earlier. Newer versions will corrupt the .zip files.

    Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk

  11. #40
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    Morco - Well, one thousand+ thank yous!!!!!!! I still don't understand why what I did would not work, but you solved all the problems for me. Maybe the next time I come over I can at least buy your dinner. Or if you ever come to the States, I can show you a few good roads around here.



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