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  1. #121
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    Hi Mike Hunt,

    Wow...that took me sometime. Never realized that translating business isn't as straightforward as it looks. But here goes: my Dutch language speedcam translation:

    Spoiler: Dutch Language Speedcam

    Accident ahead.="U nadert een ongeval."
    Accident cleared.="Ongeval ontruimd."
    Accident hazard="Ongeval gevaar."
    After %s="Na %s"
    Arrival to destination at %s.="Aankomst op bestemming om %s."
    Average speed camera,="Trajectcontrole,"
    Average Speed Camera="Trajectcontrole,"
    Cattle crossing="Overstekend vee."
    Caution. Low trees.="Pas op. Lage bomen."
    content: %s ppm.="inhoud: %s ppm."
    Countryside, %s.="Buiten de bebouwde kom, %s."
    Cross roads="Kruispunt."
    Crossroad with minor road="Kruispunt met secundaire weg."
    Distance %s.= "Afstand %s."
    Double bend="Dubbele bocht."
    End of all restrictions ="Einde alle geboden."
    End of no-overtaking zone="Einde inhaalverbod."
    End of no-passing for trucks zone="Einde inhaalverbod voor vrachtwagens."
    End of priority road="Einde voorrangsweg."
    Entry blocked.="Ingang geblokkeerd."
    Entry reopened.="Ingang heropend."
    Exit blocked.="Uitgang geblokkeerd."
    Exit reopened.="Uitgang heropend."
    Expressway, %s.="Autoweg, %s."
    Extra lane for overtaking="Inhaalstrook."
    Extra lane on the left for overtaking="Inhaalstrook aan linkerzijde."
    Extra lane on the right for overtaking="Inhaalstrook aan rechterzijde."
    Falling rocks="Vallende stenen."
    Find Places="Vind plaatsen"
    Fire extinguisher required.="Brandblusser verplicht."
    Fire station,="Brandweerkazerne,"
    Fire Station="Brandweerkazerne."
    First aid kit required.="Verbanddoos verplicht."
    from %s="van %s"
    Hazardous road ahead.="U nadert een gevaarlijke weg."
    Hazardous road passed.="Gevaarlijke weg gepasseerd."
    Headlights must be on at all times.="Koplampen te allen tijde verplicht."
    Helmets required for motorcyclists.="Helmen verplicht voor motorrijders."
    High accident zone,="Hoge ongeval zone,"
    High Accident Zone="Hoge ongeval zone."
    Ice danger="Kans op ijzel in de winter."
    Junction with minor road from left="Kruising met secundaire weg van links."
    Junction with minor road from right="Kruising met secundaire weg van rechts."
    Lane merge on the center="Rijbanen worden samengevoegd in het midden."
    Lane merge on the left="Linkerbaan wordt samengevoegd met rechterbaan."
    Lane merge on the right="Rechterbaan wordt samengevoegd met linkerbaan."
    Lane restriction ahead.="Begin rijbaanbeperking."
    Lane restriction over.="Einde rijbaanbeperking."
    Left bend="Bocht naar links."
    Level crossing with barrier="Beveiligde spoorwegovergang."
    Level crossing without barrier="Onbeveiligde spoorwegovergang."
    Limit %s="Limiet %s"
    Load Route="Roude Laden"
    Loose gravel="Losse kiezels."
    Low flying aircraft="Laagvliegende vliegtuigen."
    Maximum Blood Alcohol Content: %s permille.="Maximale Bloed Alcohol Inhoud: %s permille."
    Minimum following distance="Minimale afstand op voorligger."
    Mobile speed camera(fixed),="Permanente flitskast,"
    Mobile Speed Camera(fixed)="Permanente Flitskast,"
    Mobile speed camera,="Mobiele flitser,"
    Mobile Speed Camera="Mobiele flitser,"
    Motorway, %s.="Snelweg, %s."
    No entry="Verboden in te rijden."
    No horn="Claxoneren verboden."
    No left turn="Verboden linksaf te slaan."
    No overtaking="Verboden in te halen."
    No passing for trucks="Inhaalverbod voor vrachtwagens."
    No right turn="Verboden rechtsaf te slaan."
    Obligation to go straight="Verboden af te slaan."
    on %s="op %s"
    Opening or swing bridge="Ophaalbrug."
    Other dangers="Andere gevaren."
    Police checkpoint ahead.="U nadert een politie checkpoint."
    Prepare to reduce your speed.="Maak u klaar om uw snelheid te verminderen."
    Priority over oncoming vehicles="Voorrang op tegemoetkomend verkeer."
    Priority road="Voorrangsweg."
    Priority to oncoming vehicles="Tegemoetkomend verkeer heeft voorrang."
    Quayside or river bank="Kade."
    Quick Place\nSearch="Snel Plaats Zoeken"
    Right bend="Bocht naar rechts."
    Risk of grounding="Risico op stranden."
    Road block ahead.="U nadert een wegblokkade."
    Road narrows on left="Wegversmalling aan linkerzijde."
    Road narrows on right="Wegversmalling aan rechterzijde."
    Road narrows="Wegversmalling."
    Road works="Wegwerkzaamheden."
    Roadworks ahead.="U nadert wegwerkzaamheden."
    Roadworks ended.="Einde wegwerkzaamheden."
    Sharp curve="Scherpe bocht."
    Slippery road="Glad wegdek bij regen."
    Snow chains recommended in winter.="Sneeuwkettingen aanbevolen in de winter."
    Snow chains required in winter.="Sneeuwkettingen verplicht in de winter."
    Soft shoulder="Zachte berm."
    Spare bulbs required.="Reservelampen verplicht."
    Steep hill downwards="Sterke daling."
    Steep hill upwards="Steile helling."
    The speed limit is %s!="De snelheidslimiet is %s! Verminder uw snelheid."
    to %s="tot %s"
    Traffic jam ahead.="U nadert een verkeersopstopping."
    Traffic jam*ended.="Verkeersopstopping*beëindigd."
    Traffic jam="Verkeersopstopping."
    Traffic light="Verkeerslicht."
    Two-way traffic="Tweerichtingsverkeer."
    Uneven road="Ongelijke weg."
    Visibility vest required.="Veiligheidsvest verplicht."
    Visual Guidance="Visuele Begeleiding"
    Warning triangle required.="Gevarendriekhoek verplicht."
    Wild animals="Overstekend wild."
    Winter tyres recommended in winter.="Winterbanden aanbevolen in de winter."
    Winter tyres required in winter.="Winterbanden verplicht in de winter."
    Within towns, %s.="Binnen de bebouwde kom, %s."
    You have entered %s. Keep to the following speed limits.="U bent %s. Houdt u aan de volgende snelheidslimieten."
    Zone 25kph="Woonerf."
    km/h="kilometers per uur"
    mph="mijlen per uur"
    Winding road="Kronkelende weg"
    Serpentine to the left="Slingerende bocht naar links"
    Serpentine to the right="Slingerende bocht naar rechts"
    No uturn="Geen u-bocht"
    Parking area="Parkingplaats"
    Warning Method="Waarschuwingsmethode"
    Only for active signs="Enkel voor actieve borden"
    You can increase speed.="U kunt uw snelheid opvoeren. Naar,"
    Limit% s="% s"
    After %s = "Na %s"
    Possible alternative route = "Mogelijke alternatieve route"
    more shortly on %s = "korter dan %s"
    more long on %s = "langer dan %s"
    Tunnel length %s = "De lengte van de tunnel is %s"
    After %s = "Na %s"
    Environmental Zone = "Milieuzone"
    Remaining %s = "over %s"
    Remaining more than %s = "Over meer dan %s"
    ;;------------------- Speedcams IGO_NextGen --------------
    Warning! Speedcam.="Pas op! U nadert een flitskast."
    Warning! Possible mobile speed camera.="Pas op! U nadert mogelijk een mobiele flitser."
    Warning! Built in Speed Camera="Pas op! Ingebouwde flitser."
    Section Speedcam Ahead="Trajectcontrole verderop"
    Traffic Light Speedcam Ahead="U nadert een roodlichtcamera"
    Warning! Railway crossing.="Pas op! Spoorwegovergang."
    Bus lane Speedcam="Busbaan Camera"
    Warning! Dangerous area.="Pas op! Gevaarlijk gebied."
    Warning! School Zone.="Pas op! School Zone."
    Entering the city. Slow down!="U rijdt de bebouwde kom in. Verminder uw snelheid!"
    Traffic Light speedcam="Verkeerslicht camera verderop"
    toll collection point.="tol kassa collectie punt."
    Zone of charge for entry.="Tolweg."
    Warning! Accident Zone.="Pas op! Ongevals Zone."
    Speed camera ahead.="U nadert een flitser."
    Reduce your speed.="Verminder uw snelheid."
    Mobile speed camera ahead.="U nadert een mobiele flitser."
    Average speed camera ahead.="U nadert een trajectcontrole."
    Red light camera ahead.="U nadert een roodlichtcamera."
    Railway crossing ahead.="U nadert een spoorwegovergang."
    Bus lane camera ahead.="U nadert een busbaan camera."
    High accident zone ahead.="U nadert een gebied met verhoogd risico op ongevallen."
    School Zone Ahead.="U nadert een schoolgebied."
    Town entry point ahead.="U nadert de stadsgrens."
    Red light and speed camera ahead.="U nadert een roodlicht en snelheidscamera."
    Toll booth ahead.="U nadert een tol kassa."
    Prepare to stop.="Maak u klaar om te stoppen."
    Congestion charge zone ahead.="U nadert een congestion charge zone."
    Police control zone ahead.="U nadert een politie controle zone."
    Dangerous area ahead.="U nadert een gevaarlijk gebied."
    Yield Ahead.="U nadert een voorrangsweg."
    Fixed Mobile Camera Ahead.="U nadert een vaste mobiele camera."
    Speed bump Ahead.="U nadert een verkeersdrempel."
    Warning! Children In the Area.="Pas op! Spelende kinderen."
    Dangerous Turn Ahead.="U nadert een gevaarlijke bocht."
    Tunnel Ahead.="U nadert een tunnel."
    POI Ahead.="U nadert een interesse punt."
    Police Station Ahead.="U nadert een politiebureau."
    Dangerous Section Ahead.="U nadert een gevaarlijke sectie."
    Historical Crash Area Ahead.="U nadert een historisch ongevals gebied."
    Road Closed Ahead.="U nadert een wegafsluiting."
    Congestion Ahead.="Opstopping verderop."
    Temporary narrowing Ahead.="U nadert een tijdelijke wegversmalling."
    Low Visibility Ahead.="Vermindere zichtbaarheid verderop."
    Low Bridge Ahead.="U nadert een lage brug."
    Hospital Zone. Watch for emergency vehicles="Hospitaal gebied. Pas op voor voorrangsvoertuigen"
    Attention Fire Station. Watch for emergency vehicles="Let op brandweerkazerne. Pas op voor voorrangsvoertuigen"
    You may want to slow down.="U wilt waarschijnlijk uw snelheid minderen."

    And attached the TTS Voice that works for me with Google TTS, Nextgen on a Samsung Galaxy S6:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Would be very much obliged if you would turn it into a tts-speedcam file! Thanks!

    P.s. Does having a tts-speedcam file mean that I can leave out the
    Spoiler: speedcam setting
    ; S P E E D C A M - C A T : 1
    activated_speech="Mobile Speed Camera"

    approach_beep_speech="Mobile Speed Camera"

    etc in my sys.txt file?
    Last edited by AureliusMax; 24th September 2015 at 04:42 PM.

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  3. #122
    Master Mike Hunt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AureliusMax View Post
    Wow...that took me sometime. Never realized that translating business isn't as straightforward as it looks. But here goes: my Dutch language speedcam translation:

    P.s. Does having a tts-speedcam file mean that I can leave out the
    ; S P E E D C A M - C A T : 1
    etc in my sys.txt file?
    Yeah, translating is not fun. I tried it ONCE with the whole file using Google Translate, and that was enough times for me.
    Anyway, here you go..you know what to do with the files:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    This voice file does not work for me (possibly Loquendo-based?), so I could not test it myself. Hope it works for you.
    I checked by inserting your translations into a Dutch Voice (Zander) that does work for me, and all the available TTS and speedcam alerts worked.
    Basically, yes. All or most of that is in the *speedcam*.zip UX file, so there is no point in cluttering up your sys.txt with it UNLESS you want to over-ride a default setting with your own..but if the systax does not match the UX file, it would not do anything anyway.

  4. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Dog View Post
    @ Mike Hunt
    A great help and work from you and others. Now I request the opening of the special theme for the NextGen and TTS. It will be accessible to everyone and cleaner threads.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Hunt View Post
    By the way, I totally agree with BrownDog. All this TTS Stuff should be placed into a separate thread very soon!
    All these 40 posts moved from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Hunt View Post
    It's not your syntax...your zip compression apparently got corrupted as far as iGo was concerned (wrong version of WinRar?)
    I fixed it using your translations into another original copy of the voice file (yours is not recoverable..might as well delete it), so this combination works for me on Android 4.44 with Google TTS.

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    Hmm your attatchment still does not work for me.

    Whatever packer I use - no success. Tried InfoZIP, GNUzip, WinRAR3.8, and others. All without any success.
    Intrestingly I used my default packer, included in DirecotryOpus, which worked without problems for the first version.
    I remember some years ago when iGo Primo was released there was the same confusion about packaging...

    DebugLog and Logcat still just tell me
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    WHICH log does they mean???

    However could you tell me please which WinRAR version do you use? What are the optiosn? Store, Deflate? Which compression strenght?

    In the meantime I improved my translation on many, many places. So I (and I guess others too) really need any way to pack it properly...

    By the way, i found an intresting link on the Web with some very useful information about iGO (Primo, NextGen), Skinning ect...
    Have a look at it here : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Thanks a lot.

    Edit #1:
    If anyone want to debug, there are three possibilities.
    1. From the android SDK go to platform-tools and run
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    in a cmd.exe window.
    2. In sys.txt add into [android] section:
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    3. In sys.txt add into [debug] section:
    Please Login or Register to see the links

    Edit #2:

    Seems that my Nexus 10 is bugging me. TTS is working fine in my car on my HeadUnit.
    I will completeley resinstall my Nexus 7 (2012) and try it again.
    When I am sure that everything works fine, I will release the latest german TTS version next week. (Sorry completely busy over this weekend...)
    Last edited by nanocosm; 25th September 2015 at 10:17 AM.

    Active GPS User since 2007, iGO 2006 @WinCE & Android, TomTom Android, Sygic Android and CoPilot on every recent Nexus device

  6. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanocosm View Post
    Hmm your attatchment still does not work for me.
    Whatever packer I use - no success. Tried InfoZIP, GNUzip, WinRAR3.8, and others. All without any success.
    Normaly is opening with 7-Zip 15.06b, WinRar 5.21, Total Commander...

  7. #126
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    If overspeed Im getting "You are over the speed limit, the speed limit is ?" (silence) No actual speed limit spoken. TTS seems to work fine elsewhere

  8. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanocosm View Post

    However could you tell me please which WinRAR version do you use? What are the optiosn? Store, Deflate? Which compression strenght?
    This is for everyone:

    You must use a WinRar version 4.01 or LESS. Newer versions will corrupt the zip file (as far as iGo is concerned..it is very sensitive to compression...all versions of iGo are).
    Do not (ever) extract an iGo zip file. Work only from within WinRar (example: drag zip igo zip file into WinRar window, navigate through the file structure to get to the file you want to edit, click file, if asked, open in plain text editor like notepad, notepad +, Notepad++, etc, make your edits, save file, when WinRar prompts if you want to update the archive, click yes, close WinRar.
    You can examine an iGo zip file, in any zip utility you like, but never unzip...it will not zip back up in any form that iGo will be happy with.
    Some will tell you there are other ways and other utilities that work, and they may be correct, but the way I described has worked flawlessly for me for many years, so I see no reason to experiment with other ways.
    If somebody else wants to post another way guaranteed and tested, go ahead and do so.

  9. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by japseye View Post
    If overspeed Im getting "You are over the speed limit, the speed limit is ?" (silence) No actual speed limit spoken. TTS seems to work fine elsewhere
    What voice file are you using? Attach it and I'll take a look. Mine, in English, seems to work as expected for the overspeed warning (always says the speed limit).

    EDIT: In thinking more about this, the alert that you are getting is sort of typical of the default alert in just about every voice file..in info.ini, --at least this part is: You are over the speed limit:not dictionary.voice. The more specific alert with the speed limit, comes from dictionary.voice (which always over-rides info.ini). So it is possible that your dictionary.voice file does not have the proper phrases at all, or something is causing a conflict. If you post your file, I can take a look at it, or try one of the (English?, other language?) voice files I have already posted previously to see if that works.
    Last edited by Mike Hunt; 26th September 2015 at 02:34 PM.

  10. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Hunt View Post
    What voice file are you using? Attach it and I'll take a look. Mine, in English, seems to work as expected for the overspeed warning (always says the speed limit).
    I have the same issue it does not say the speed value, it says You are over the speed limit, the speed limit is miles" attached is the voice file i am using.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by De5i View Post
    I have the same issue it does not say the speed value, it says You are over the speed limit, the speed limit is miles" attached is the voice file i am using.
    Are you sure this is an Android voice file?
    In info.ini:
    So I see it in my regional selections, but I cannot choose it to test.

    In looking over your dictionary.voice file, there is a lot of stuff in there that may no longer be applicable in NextGen. Many skin commands/additions.
    Much of the diMka still works, totally not sure about the others. Specifically for NextGen, that file is more than twice as big as it needs to be. There could be some entries that are cancelling each other out. I could edit it, but then I could not test it. So I suggest you try the posted dictionary.voice sample I posted for 'translation' earlier in a copy of your voice file, and then see if the overspeed alert works as it should. If it does, you can add back in whatever you want from your original file that will not conflict.




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