If it was just licenses, it would see the file and it would be red
iGO don't see the file at all. This means that does not recognize it - it means that it is damaged (most often).
Download it from another source
Or you keep making the same mistake
R u blind?
Read what I wrote in post before
@Boki :
No, I'm not blind! My sight is very good, thanks to God! And what you wrote can be wrong, can't it?
These maps work with the licenses that I sent to Alfe, what does it cost to give it a try?
No. When I claim something, I am absolutely sure of it
It has nothing to do with the apk, but exclusively with the file
He can try all possible apks, I can post a screenshot from each one to make sure everything is fine
And the member still ignores the suggestions and avoids admitting his mistakes
Will clean this topic later, or maybe not
If I understand your answer correctly, it is a problem with the Morocco maps?
If it is me, the member who ignores the suggestions; it is unintentional on my part or there is an error in the translation via Google.
English is a language that I am far from mastering.
For me yes, there are subtleties of language that Google Translate does not master, and what it translates does not always correspond to what was written. I checked it by having my message translated from French to English by Google Translate, and then checking my text on the Forum with the browser translation. "the two translations were different"
Otherwise, I managed to have the Morocco maps on my Android 14 and 10; it was both a problem with iGO_Pal on the Tablet, and a problem of decompression of the maps with Linux, I had to reinstall Unrar to have correct files. Now it works normally with the Israel version on both Androids.
Thanks for your help.