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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Torrent South Africa HERE 2021-Q2 / Q4

    South Africa HERE 2021-Q2 (514,6/490,7) Mb.
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    # Directories: 15, Files: 89, Size: 514 610 109 B

    Name Size Last write date File count Rating
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2 (0) 514 610 109 14-03-2022 19:26 89
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    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2\content\building (9) 12 807 062 14-03-2022 16:59 9
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    Kenya.3dl 1 432 962 14-10-2021 12:10
    Mozambique.3dc 274 171 14-10-2021 12:10
    Mozambique.3dl 663 752 14-10-2021 12:10
    Namibia.3dc 255 804 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.3dc 2 806 467 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.3dl 5 780 129 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.3dc 249 626 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.3dl 793 233 14-10-2021 12:10
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    SouthernAfrica.dem 178 767 144 14-10-2021 12:09
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    global_cfg.zip 8 364 147 21-02-2022 12:19
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    Lang_English-aus.zip 34 263 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_English-uk.zip 34 966 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_English-us.zip 34 681 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_French.zip 40 267 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Indonesian.zip 38 844 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Malay.zip 30 918 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Portuguese.zip 40 110 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Portuguese-bra.zip 41 616 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Spanish.zip 39 489 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Spanish-mex.zip 40 419 14-10-2021 12:09
    Lang_Thai.zip 32 209 14-10-2021 12:09
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2\content\map (26) 192 661 902 14-03-2022 16:59 26
    Basemap.fbl 9 210 320 14-10-2021 12:11
    Botswana.fbl 4 181 570 14-10-2021 12:11
    Botswana.fda 11 842 14-10-2021 12:10
    Kenya.fbl 9 448 523 14-10-2021 12:11
    Kenya.fsp 1 633 355 14-10-2021 12:10
    Lesotho.fbl 1 622 092 14-10-2021 12:11
    Lesotho.fda 6 732 14-10-2021 12:10
    Lesotho.fsp 291 916 14-10-2021 12:10
    Mozambique.fbl 10 954 829 14-10-2021 12:11
    Namibia.fbl 5 490 254 14-10-2021 12:11
    Namibia.fda 11 854 14-10-2021 12:10
    Reunion.fbl 2 124 882 14-10-2021 12:10
    Reunion.fda 6 226 14-10-2021 12:10
    Reunion.fpa 1 499 730 14-10-2021 12:10
    Reunion.fsp 416 850 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.fbl 73 213 523 14-10-2021 12:11
    SouthAfrica.fda 286 291 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.fpa 21 855 827 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.fsp 21 080 147 14-10-2021 12:10
    Swaziland.fbl 1 744 467 14-10-2021 12:11
    Swaziland.fda 7 251 14-10-2021 12:10
    Swaziland.fsp 308 819 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.fbl 13 808 724 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.fpa 631 892 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.fsp 5 829 204 14-10-2021 12:09
    Zimbabwe.fbl 6 986 842 14-10-2021 12:11
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    SouthAfrica_vr.ph 882 425 14-10-2021 12:11
    Swaziland.ph 145 491 14-10-2021 12:11
    Tunisia.ph 330 563 14-10-2021 12:11
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    Botswana.poi 850 682 14-10-2021 12:10
    Kenya.poi 8 950 054 14-10-2021 12:10
    Lesotho.poi 133 040 14-10-2021 12:10
    Mozambique.poi 926 120 14-10-2021 12:10
    Namibia.poi 1 155 390 14-10-2021 12:10
    Reunion.poi 88 281 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica.poi 35 812 710 14-10-2021 12:10
    SouthAfrica_ext.poi 3 210 606 14-10-2021 12:10
    Swaziland.poi 319 451 14-10-2021 12:10
    Tunisia.poi 5 661 398 14-10-2021 12:10
    Zimbabwe.poi 748 588 14-10-2021 12:10
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    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-au-lua.zip 132 689 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-uk-lua.zip 133 455 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-us-lua.zip 142 225 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-esp-lua.zip 159 197 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-esp-us-lua.zip 170 213 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-fra-lua.zip 129 911 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-por-bra-lua.zip 109 604 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-por-lua.zip 122 150 14-10-2021 12:10
    Voice_TTS-nua-tha-lua.zip 137 676 14-10-2021 12:10
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    content.nng 119 28-09-2021 13:51
    content_link.nng 131 28-09-2021 13:51
    info.ini 338 28-09-2021 13:51
    signature.nng 371 28-09-2021 13:51
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2\content\vr\_RSA\ENG (3) 54 832 164 19-03-2022 22:00 3
    city.fcf 462 913 28-09-2021 13:51
    city_street.fcf 12 925 316 28-09-2021 13:51
    street.zip 41 444 248 19-03-2022 22:00
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2\content\vr\_TUN (4) 4 134 899 14-03-2022 16:59 7
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    content.nng 119 28-09-2021 12:53
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    info.ini 334 28-09-2021 12:53
    signature.nng 371 28-09-2021 12:53
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021Q2\content\vr\_TUN\ARW (3) 4 134 362 14-03-2022 16:59 3
    city.fcf 26 305 28-09-2021 12:53
    city_street.fcf 1 101 835 28-09-2021 12:53
    street.zip 3 006 535 28-09-2021 12:53

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    P.S: Content for the head unit of a passenger car, missing files: .ftr, .fjw , I'm laying it out as it is...

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 18th June 2022 at 02:09 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Rep Power

    HERE LOGO South Africa HERE 2021-Q4

    South Africa HERE 2021-Q4 (553 Mb.)
    Spoiler: Content:

    Directories: 15, Files: 94, Size: 553 849 868 B

    Name Size File count Rating
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021-Q4 (0) 553 849 868 94
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    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021-Q4\content\building (9) 13 026 017 9
    Botswana.3dl 574 303
    Kenya.3dl 1 427 660
    Mozambique.3dc 276 507
    Mozambique.3dl 705 061
    Namibia.3dc 255 804
    SouthAfrica.3dc 2 807 596
    SouthAfrica.3dl 5 914 223
    Tunisia.3dc 249 612
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    Eurasia.dem 9 231 988
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    Lang_English-uk.zip 34 966
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    Lang_Portuguese.zip 40 110
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    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021-Q4\content\map (26) 210 382 734 26
    Basemap.fbl 9 210 320
    Botswana.fbl 4 312 130
    Botswana.fda 12 354
    Kenya.fbl 10 733 643
    Kenya.fsp 852 043
    Lesotho.fbl 1 637 452
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    Lesotho.fsp 291 916
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    Namibia.fbl 5 501 518
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    Reunion.fbl 2 125 394
    Reunion.fda 6 226
    Reunion.fpa 1 654 866
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    SouthAfrica.fbl 74 402 899
    SouthAfrica.fda 297 555
    SouthAfrica.fpa 38 061 651
    SouthAfrica.fsp 20 816 467
    Swaziland.fbl 1 743 443
    Swaziland.fda 7 251
    Swaziland.fsp 308 307
    Tunisia.fbl 13 912 148
    Tunisia.fpa 632 916
    Tunisia.fsp 5 488 212
    Zimbabwe.fbl 6 999 642
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021-Q4\content\phoneme (5) 3 267 360 5
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    SouthAfrica_vr.ph 881 401
    Swaziland.ph 146 370
    Tunisia.ph 326 657
    Tunisia_vr.ph 83 203
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    Botswana.poi 852 259
    Kenya.poi 8 984 985
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    Mozambique.poi 926 668
    Namibia.poi 1 157 973
    Reunion.poi 90 770
    SouthAfrica.poi 36 449 466
    SouthAfrica_ext.poi 3 246 614
    Swaziland.poi 319 383
    Tunisia.poi 5 679 057
    Zimbabwe.poi 750 564
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    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-au-lua.zip 132 689
    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-uk-lua.zip 133 455
    Voice_TTS-nua-eng-us-lua.zip 142 225
    Voice_TTS-nua-esp-lua.zip 159 197
    Voice_TTS-nua-esp-us-lua.zip 170 213
    Voice_TTS-nua-fra-lua.zip 129 911
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    signature.nng 371
    Y:\South_Africa_HERE_2021-Q4\content\vr\_RSA\ENG (3) 55 097 749 3
    city.fcf 463 231
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    street.zip 41 680 945
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    city.fcf 26 305
    city_street.fcf 1 202 820
    street.zip 3 008 938

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    Spoiler: Pass:
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    P.S: Content for the head unit of a passenger car, missing files: .ftr, .fjw , I'm laying it out as it is...

    I ask you not to repost this content on other forums
    Last edited by batiskaf; 18th June 2022 at 12:18 PM.



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