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  1. #41
    Important User Oregon 650 flashed with Oregon 750 firmware is BRICKED
    Oregon 650 flashed with Oregon 750 firmware is BRICKEDOregon 650 flashed with Oregon 750 firmware is BRICKED
    Butters's Avatar
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    Sorry, i wrote 2512 in error. The HWID folder certainly needed to be named 1651 for O6x0.

    It's likely as said in P#29 that either the flash drive is badly messed up and/or remnants of O750 data in the nonvol have so poisoned region 41 that it's become permanently corrupted. I'm so sorry i wasn't able to help you recover it. I had become pessimistic about it early on when i suggested in P#4 that it may only be good to strip for parts. Frankly a full recovery would have been quite a miracle and even getting it partially back to O650 was remarkable although really just a hollow victory. I doubt the two Oregon models even have matching PCB P/Ns which is an essential for possible conversion but non-matching guarantees failure.

    Maybe there's some Garmin guru who could find a software solution, but i think it's hopeless now. Probably only hardware replacement of the flash it could bring it back. Even if you could easily and cheaply source the correct replacement it takes special skills and equipment to do that, even Garmin doesn't bother with it.

    Perhaps the only really positive aspect to this thread is to warn readers they should exercise extreme caution when attempting any cross-flashing of firmware. Any (so-called) 'expert' advice from others to the effect that it can be done safely should be viewed with suspicion and also extreme caution used when flashing any downloaded custom firmware files made by others.

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  3. #42
    Join Date
    May 2022
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    Dear Butters, thank you very much for the great work you have done. I'll think about what to do better with the device!




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