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  1. #31


    China's firmware is not better.
    No coordinates, inverted menu...etc.
    Last edited by Singlekey; 6th June 2011 at 06:46 PM.

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  3. #32
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    I'm planning to flash my 1490T EU with an alternative version...

    What are the main difference between

    Japanese version 2.70
    Taiwan 3.30:
    Philippines version 2.10:
    Singapore / Malaysia version 2.80 for 1460

    or I have to test each one... Also I use my Nuvi in Portuguese French or English ... will I be able to change beteween these languages after I flashed with one of this firmware

    last but not least... will I be able to upgrade normally with webupdater after I done so?


  4. #33


    You can also use Portuguese French or English language after flashing.
    You can upgrade your nuvi with original US-EU firmware as usual. (If you use original US boot.bin to make a rgn file for flashing.)

    Upgrading by webupdater.

    Please check hwid in garmindevice.xml out.
    You can use webupdater to upgrade firmware if you get US hwid inside the file.

    for RGN_Tool 0.74 :: You have a choice to set hwid within garmindevice.xml.


    1). If you check "Replace HWID text strings" --> hwid(within garmindevice.xml) will be the same as boot.bin
    (If you use US boot.bin so you can use webupdater to upgrade US firmware)

    2). If you uncheck --> hwid will be the same as fw_all.bin
    (Even you use US boot.bin but you will get other region hwid within garmindevice.xml so you can not use webupdater to upgrade US firmware)
    Last edited by aekhong; 7th June 2011 at 07:56 AM.

  5. #34
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    Thks for the answers to the second part of my question but I still would like to know what is the main difference between

    Japanese version 2.70
    Taiwan 3.30:
    Philippines version 2.10:
    Singapore / Malaysia version 2.80 for 1460

    what kind of enhancements will be available if I choose this or that version

    Also if I understood correctly if I "Replace HWID text string" of the US for the JPN on my next upgrade it will upgrade as if I had a JPN nuvi correct?

  6. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by caputogio View Post
    Also if I understood correctly if I "Replace HWID text string" of the US for the JPN on my next upgrade it will upgrade as if I had a JPN nuvi correct?
    If you use original US boot.bin ., so your nuvi still be US unit.
    It means you can not upgrade your nuvi with ogiginal JPN firmware directly.
    You have to make a rgn for new JPN firmware again.

    (But you still can flash with original US firmware directly)

    I don't know about different point of firmwares.


    If your unit is US and you override hwid with JPN hwid and flash., Nuvi will say "System Software Missing" and won't open.
    Last edited by aekhong; 7th June 2011 at 01:49 PM.

  7. #36

    Default Clarify about hwid.

    Example for US unit --> JPN

    1). Use US boot.bin ., JPN fw_all ., JPN resources / Override hwid to US /check "Replace HWID text strings" (with US hwid)
    result :: you will get US hwid within garmindevice.xml :: can flash directly with US firmware. Exactly your nuvi is US unit.

    2). Use US boot.bin ., JPN fw_all ., JPN resources /Override hwid to US / uncheck "Replace HWID text strings"
    result :: you will get JPN hwid within garmindevice.xml ::
    But your nuvi is not JPN. It still be US unit. You can flash directly with US firmware only.

    3). Use US boot.bin ., JPN fw_all ., JPN resources / Override hwid to JPN
    result :: Nuvi will say "System software Missing" and won't open.
    Your Nuvi still be US., you can fix it by flashing with original US firmware.
    Not recommented.

    4).Use original JPN firmware / override hwid to US and if success. Not recommented.
    result :: Still be US unit. !
    If fail ., you can fix it by flashing with original US firmware.

    5). Use rgn file ( Original JPN firmware without modified - you have to use specific rgn name ) and if success. Not recommented.
    result :: Now nuvi is JPN. !!!
    Last edited by aekhong; 7th June 2011 at 02:25 PM.

  8. #37

    Default What is HWID within garmindevice.xml

    The Nuvi will "read" hwid number from somewhere within fw_all.bin.
    For example 1xxx series (CHN fw_all.bin)


    You will see hwid number 1182.
    If you open this fw_all with Hex editor and change this 1182 to 9999.
    Result :: Garmindevice.xml will say your nuvi hwid number = 9999.
    But your nuvi is not exactly 9999 hwid.

    Note ::
    you can edit this number without effect in functions.

    RGN_Tool will override hwid in other point.(not the same point as nuvi read from fw_all to write into garmindevice.xml)

    Garmin read hwid number within garmindevice.xml in term of you use original firmware ( so the hwid number is always right.)

    But if you use modified firmware so hwid within garmindevice.xml may be the useless data or incorrect.
    You have to see what is hwid of boot.bin. (or use G7toWin to detect the real hwid)
    Last edited by aekhong; 7th June 2011 at 02:54 PM.

  9. #38
    Member + Alternative Nuvis FirmwaresAlternative Nuvis Firmwares
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    The Russian custom firmware seems to add 2d buildings to the map (at least you can see where the buildings are relative to the road). Has anyone tried that firmware yet on the 14xx?

  10. #39
    Navigation software expert Alternative Nuvis Firmwares
    Alternative Nuvis FirmwaresAlternative Nuvis FirmwaresAlternative Nuvis Firmwares
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    It is not a matter of firmware! Russian map not have full coverage and 2d buildings go from Google maps for the time present. Any device see this 2d buildings or 3d buildings independently of firmware. All the more there are no russian software...

  11. #40
    Member + Alternative Nuvis FirmwaresAlternative Nuvis Firmwares
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    I meant the CUSTOM firmware that is made by the russians. I believe they were asking for a fee to get the firmware they modded, but it does put in 2d buildings so that you get the approximate shape and size of the buildings on the street.

    I didnt mean the map of russia



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