Please, do not open new threads for Garmin map requests.
The map is so far even not released.
Beginning of June it will be available
Please, do not open new threads for Garmin map requests.
May someone indicate me where i can find italy and switzerland topo map?
Thank you
Hi All
I am looking for Inland Lakes � British Columbia. As I understand, these are not the BlueChart type, but rather the type that would be compatible with many nuvi models (not just the 500 and the marine ones).
TOPO Denmark v2 - mapsource
where to find it?
how to use .img for mobile xt?
help please
Visual editor for bluecharts
Now I am creating custom marine map for Bulgarian Black Sea coast for small boats. Unfortunately Garmin "has forgotten" our region.
Do you know any visual editor for bluecharts? gpsmapedit, which is great software, unfortunately is not displaying marine types. my map is becoming more and more detailed, and the number of mistakes is accumulating. I can catch them only when uploding map to the gps unit, which is very unefficient.
many thanks,
thaks for the info.
I know that the last version of cgpsmapper is capable to compile also marine maps.
But my question is different: i would like to know if there is any visual map editor like GPS Mapedit, but compartible with marine types of points, polylines and poligons? when using marine types of points, polylines and poligons in GPS MAPEdit what you can see, for points for example, is instead if the symbol of gas station - question mark "?". All differnt types of points look the same - question mark. this is very unconvenient.
if you have any info about visual editor for marine maps it will be great.
may be you can find some interesting infos in the malsing wiki
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Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600